global feeback

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global feeback

Post by Ombror » 04 Jan 2018, 19:56


first of all i want to precise that it's a global feedback with a few ideas. i haven't read suggestion topics since a while, so sorry if i say that have already been said.

After more than 2000 hours on your own and 2 month on the MMO, i still see same bugs, crash, drop of frame rate, lag, missing skills years after years. I don't see how hard your are working (are you ???).

We have lost more than 50% people in our guild because of lags on because it's way too hard to grow some skills, even at 60 or 90 (i don't speak about reaching 90/100). Especially for people with few hours to play each day/week after work. They don't want to spend 2 hours a day only farming to unlock a skill or else one month later. They just want to play. Making the game harder and harder after each update is NOT the solution to make people stay longer on the game. It's the reason they LEAVE !

If you wan't people to stay, you have to add a lot of content :

The game is waiting for content. You build your town, you fight with your neighbours then the game is finished. Were are : religion ? Natives ? Events (hunting contest ? arenas ? invasions ?...?) ?

You still have a lot (a lot) of work to improve the game and make it works in the finest way : no lag, no crash, no drops of fps... optimizing : Teleport on roofs, hunting in the snow or just hunting tracks that disappear, trading posts that can't be accessed on claims, horses riding that is a pain in the ass compared to what it was on YO...

But your main objectives (in my sense) must be to make the game pleasant to play for both those who play 8 hours a day and those who play 8 minutes a week. Add a LOT (a lot !!) of content to give us goals, objectives and lots of things to do when town is finished and when there is no war in progress (even war can't gets us busy 8 hours a day).

Please, give your game more consistency or everyone will leave after a while and you will never reach the 10.000 players.

Farming 10 hours a day should be only for players who want to reach very high quality, not also for those who just want to unlock a few items to craft. Crafting 500 small shoes (just to throw them) just to be able to craft medium shoes is pleasant for nobody. That's why more than 50% of our guild and friends are playing other games now.

Thanks for your attention.

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