The Flux System / Inventory (Alchemists)

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Zealous Believer
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014, 14:02

The Flux System / Inventory (Alchemists)

Post by DidacitcGamer » 04 Oct 2014, 14:12

This being my first post I would like to say hello community! I am in love with this game and have about 100 hours invested since Sept 19 release. I have been streaming it every week night with very little luck as I have no fan base in this game... yet. Enough about me and lets talk about the topic.

I read yesterday on Twitter that you guys will not change the Flux system. That is fine. What I think may need to change is the inventory side. I understand everything has a quality, including herbs. So that's why when you pick two of the same herb but different quality they do not stack.

How about the Alchemists who just want to make flux, the corner stone of this game at the moment. Why not have an option for players to choose whether or not items stack regardless of quality?

Also, perhaps when you are making flux or anything else for that matter their can be a drop down menu of potions already discovered so you don't have to drag and drop the ingredients over.

That would save all of us Alchemists quite the headache and I know I would be down for making things as an Alchemist a little more tolerable.

Thank you for your time.


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