Weapon Quality

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Joined: 11 Nov 2014, 21:01

Weapon Quality

Post by RoyalJoker27 » 11 Nov 2014, 21:10

In skyrim you see (fine, legendary, weapons ect.) so my suggestion is an extra mini game for bladed weapons like axes and swords. You have a grind stone in the forge and you can sharpen your weapon through a mini game where you have to angle you're blade on the grindstone and depending on your lvl in what ever skill this seems to fit best. over time depending on that Lvl the quality in that weapon will increase.

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Re: Weapon Quality

Post by DichBach » 11 Nov 2014, 21:21

Skyrim has a simple ordinal scale for weapon/item quality, i.e., "Terrible; Bad; Average; Good; Great; Legendary" or whatever.

This game has a full fledged ratio scale (well, interval scale anyway), i.e., "1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . . . 98, 99, 100."

The value of a crafted item is a result of the characters skill, the tools or structures used to craft (e.g., a Blacksmith shop adds a bonus +20% or something like that), as well as the quality of the items used to make the crafted item . . . use a "1" quality branch, grass fiber(s), and apple to make a snare and no matter how high your hunting skill, the final snare's value will be lowish.

So in sum, and no offense to OP, but the game's system is better than Skyrims by a long shot, and indeed, better than most game crafting systems I'm aware of. We shall see how the "Weapon Maintenance" system works, but for now, it seems quite clear the developers have a quite exquisite and refined vision for how crafting and technology should and will work in the complete game.

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