My thought on things to improve on

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My thought on things to improve on

Post by Dsfeagle » 25 Nov 2014, 02:39

I am playing trough the game and I don't know everything that is possible yet so I might say things that are already possible but I havn't figured out yet but I was thinking what would make things better

*percentage based progress bars for example on smelting ore

*ability to destroy things like fences, furnaces, carts and other things that are (impossible?) to get rid off

*Early game storage
perhaps a early on storage that does not despawn, leaving the "dropped" good to dissapear, and using something like a craftable bag from branches and large leaves (i don't know what they are called but common practise somewhere in afrika) obviously small, but a way to store things without having to pick them up (especially on high dailcycle servers for instance)

*A way to communicate ingame with offline people
a billboard, a book, a paper a chalk board perhaps a sign system... so you can contact your group if you need something off of a other member (lets say herbalist) and don't use a forum or whatever and they are not online, this is especially helpfull in RP servers

seems to be quite a.. strange thing, obviously I still need to learn how it all works but I find it hard to get into it and do the slopes just right and being able to get that ore that's underneath my feet, perhaps this needs some more freedom like being able to do a slope from the top of the block or something, or something more intuitive I am not sure what exactly would make it better, but it's hard to work as a newbie that's for sure, random bits staying up in the middle between two blocks impossible to remove

*adding servers to your favourites by adding the IP manually

*Better and more user friendly server management
(See who logged on when, instead of code names like making something up Worldeventgeosat_x2993 make it more obvious on what the person is doing, raise lower flatter for instance dsfeagle Flattenground (Coordinates)
dsfeagle (skillname)(Coordinates)

*ingame coordinates
for easy refference, If I want to report to a admin that someone griefed apple trees, it would be nice if I could tell him where it exactly was, so he has a easier time searching for it in the logs

*Check or you can build somewhere before placing it, not when finishing it
Something in the way, you cant build here..stop wasting resources because the game tells you you cant build something somewhere when you...finish.. building it, having to deconstruct it and then move it

*Ingame information about skills
Click on the icon in your skill menu to see a list of all the things you can make, and what the ingredients are to make them (could count the same for construction menu where if you mouse over you see the ingredients)

*Switching characters in the game instead of having to relaunch the game

66 different herbs, manually harvested to get a random herb, it's way too much of a grind grinding 90% rubbish, and 10% what you where actually looking for, perhaps it's a idea to take a "sprout" from a herb bush and to be able to farm them using the farming skill and harvest them, or have them be static plants in the game you can pick like a apple tree that'll regenerate it's herbs over time

*Animal lore
Starting up the skill takes so much time, waiting for a 20% dung meter or some chickens to poop some eggs, perhaps having some xp from getting them out of the snares and slaughtering them at old age might do the trick

*Flatten stone
It would be awesome to be able to flatten, flatten upward, flatten downward on stone, this way we won't have to poor down dirt on top of stone to be able to build our walls on top of it

*Grindy skills
When you are a high level nature's lore or herbalism, perhaps it's a idea to be able to get more per harvest and to be able to do things faster, this way your high level means more then only quality, and you'll be able to do things faster as you are well trained in handling things and waste less of your precious resource

*playing in a group
This game is heavily based on doing things with multiple people, it would be great to own things "as a group" instead of as a individual, this way you can keep looters at bay while you are in real life, yet you can share resources with your friends

*Inventory management
As much as I love the system where you are not bound to a grid of limited spots, looking at a herbalists inventory, it's a chaos going trough 66 herbs, stacking them together and keeping things clear for yourself, moving everything from your inventory is also a daunting task trying to play a little game of memory to try put things together for your friends or even in your own inventory, so much green so much look a likes, inventory management takes up a ton of time if you try to be organised

True Believer
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Joined: 16 Nov 2014, 17:18

Re: My thought on things to improve on

Post by Jairone » 29 Nov 2014, 23:13

Some of these are planned, but not available yet due to the early nature of the game.

I have previously suggested making the looting of snares give a little animal lore skill, and still support that idea.

I would be ok with a storage option for 50 units from sticks and plant fibers.

For sorting things, I would love to see a 'Bring to top' option, where the player can bring all items with the same name to the top of any stacks of items in their bag. This would help sort out the herbalism problems, yet leave the freedom that is currently involved with the bag system. This could fall as a new ability under 'General Actions.'

You do get a speed bonus, and sometimes a luck bonus to that speed, when high level, but I would like seeing luck apply to more than that (sometimes looting a few of an item for things where it might make sense, or even other bonuses like having something you planted yield a crop, but not be destroyed (for non-tubers) or yielding a bonus of some sort (root veggies could, for instance, also yield some natural fibers.)

As for flattening stone, I think that is one thing I would definitely agree with as a new option in terraforming. It would fall under Quarry, and could only by used to remove stone (options are quarry down, quarry flat, quarry flat downslope, and quarry flat upslope.)

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