Overwhelming zerg

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Overwhelming zerg

Post by Brakh » 20 Dec 2014, 11:59

My thoughts maybe wouldn't be completly related to LiF:YO, more to MMO version. However I think its worth to mention.
LiF is definitly not a first sandbox game which would be focused on open world combat. Based on titles already released we may predict problems that LiF:MMO will be facing. Which of them are acceptable, which may drive out masses from the game. I think at this stage its still possible to review the game concept and maybe slightly adjust it to attract more crowd. Let me share the opinion about the LiF which is common among the people who heared about the title but are not sure to buy it: "LiF? No thanks, just another zerg pvp game with a lot of griefing"
So my question is: Are there any plans to mitigate zerg effect? You know what I mean... that huge red blob overrunning and razing everything on its way...

Another thing, how to make the game little more noob friendly? For someone who is not familiar with tutorials, not have any ingame friends and basically knows nothing about the game dropping him from the sky with rags and 5 cookies may be a bit too much :) The first touch is very important to drive player deeper into the game and not let him uninstal the title after 10min ingame. Well I am not saying that lowering game difficulity is a good idea. This is still survival game so player need to have feeling that he is in a constant state of danger.

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Joined: 16 Dec 2014, 03:36

Re: Overwhelming zerg

Post by Chew_Magna » 22 Dec 2014, 03:09

This is just my opinion on the matter.

The game is designed to be a hardcore, player run simulator, and most definitely isn't going to be forgiving in any regard. "Zergs" as you mentioned probably will happen, but that's how it goes in medieval warfare sometimes. Not all fights are going to be fair, some barely so, some not even remotely so. Whoever has the stronger army and better weaponry will most likely win the fight (then again, they might not if they're a bunch of morons running around thinking they'll win just because).

There will most likely be kingdoms who will try and force their way on the little guys. That's life. Life is Feudal. But that's where diplomacy comes into play. If someone does decide to go rampant, they'll end up having to deal with several other kingdoms forming alliances against them.

As for the griefing, there are MANY things that will be in place to prevent this as much as possible. The alignment system, claim system, losing skill points upon dying depending on your alignment, the fact that if you go too negative your character is forever a criminal and will be extremely detrimental to your playing, the cost of creating a new character if you completely tank out your current one. Everything from trespassing, attacking, and stealing from someone will lower your alignment. Then there's the fact that in order to have a war, both sides have to actually declare war (for things past personal claims).

Fighting is only a small aspect of the game IMO. From what I gather, any person who plays this game only to troll others will only end up hurting themselves.

Just remember, this game is meant to be hardcore. It isn't for casuals, there are hundreds of other games for them out there. It's nice to finally have ONE game for us who have been searching for this. For years. And years.

I agree that a little info in the beginning would be a good thing. But, that depends on the person. Some love the idea of finding out how to do things on their own. Then a LOT of people want to do as little as possible and have their hands held while they play a game. The game isn't a "survival" game per se (honestly I wish that description would just go away, almost no "survival" game out there is what it says it is), the game is a simulator/role play game more than anything else.

A few helpful tooltips here and there would go a long way for new players who aren't comfortable with opening a browser and searching for something on their own. But remember, it's early access/alpha/whatever-you-wanna-call-it. Things will change and grow.

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Joined: 03 Oct 2014, 18:35

Re: Overwhelming zerg

Post by Evil_This » 22 Dec 2014, 04:21

Brakh wrote:Another thing, how to make the game little more noob friendly? For someone who is not familiar with tutorials, not have any ingame friends and basically knows nothing about the game dropping him from the sky with rags and 5 cookies may be a bit too much :)

You're describing one of the things that is *good* about the game. It can be complex and confusing and take a ton of interaction to figure out how things work.

That's what's good about it, at it's core.
Phin King
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Re: Overwhelming zerg

Post by Xtream » 24 Dec 2014, 19:54

That red blob reminds me Darkfall horror all over again when not having 100 quickness you had no place in end game pvp.

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Re: Overwhelming zerg

Post by Willbonney » 25 Dec 2014, 22:50

Common realistic "anti zerg" tactics:

1. Archers: The most common defensive tactic in history, have a rank of archers in formation or on walls lay down a constant spread of arrows in front of a marching rank of foot soldiers. With timing and skill, 2 rows of 5 archers can pump out about 40 arrows a minute (1 second aim/release time, 2 second front to back rank swap between archers while reloading arrow = 3 seconds. 60/3 x 2 ranks = 40 arrows per minute.)

40 arrows per minute falling down at a centralized area was very lethal, often would hold off armies of hundreds, with just 10 men. Very doable with proper tactics and practice in LIF.

2. Trenches: Forcing armies to move in the direction you desire when they attack is a major strategical advantage, both in reality as well as in game. In game, plant oak trees and terraform trenches that can only be walked up in certain areas. Make the most accessible routes in an area you desire, and not an attacking force.

3. Traps: Currently the metal traps do not go off when a player walks over them, I believe they plan on fixing/changing that, and if they don't, they should. Placing a line of traps around your wall hidden within lines of trees could be a very deadly advantage.

4. Different levels of walls. City walls were often more than just 1 stone wall around the city. They often started with dirt bunkers and barricades, followed by a wooden wall and gate, and as you got closer to the main town areas, stone walls followed by the castle walls once you got into the "Lord's" areas. A single wall around an area offered only a modest defense of an area and were often the targets of choice for a marauding army, towns and cities with multiple layers of walls were often avoided if possible.

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