GM Commands

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GM Commands

Post by RainbowD » 08 Dec 2014, 17:11

hey best/dear devolopers :D

i have an idea for GM commands that would help Gms a lot when repond to GM calls or if need keep eye on a suspected rule breaker:

now if a player calls for a admin thye admin has to ask the player where hes located at if admin doesnt know it yet.
so wonder or a command as TP TO can be made for teleport to a player that requested help as sometimes admins take minutes for find your location before can finaly help with the problem.
suggested how command can be alike:
/goto <full name or part name player>
/tpto <full name or part name player>

for the track suispected rule breakers i would suggest a spectate command tht allows admin to watch a player invisably in a 3th person cam stuckt to the player rto see what player is doing.
(that will not release on death/TP of targeted player but only on re-enter command or targeted player gone offline)
suggested how command can be alike:
/Spectate <full name or part name player>
/spec <full name or part name player>
/sp <full name or part name player>
for end spectate:
just /spectate

(part names can result end at wrong player if 2 players have in name that same part you added in command but its easy fix by just make sure add part of name than that no-body else has)

(other option is for a button for the 2 commands in player list next to kick/ban what can be an eye for spectate and an colored beam / spark explosion for tp to a player)

hope you are willing to rlly do something on this 8-)

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Re: GM Commands

Post by Vamyan » 08 Dec 2014, 18:52

I've considered making a GM command for the teleport, it's not that difficult from the server side but my only problem is learning enough Torque Script to get client/server interaction, and chat (slash) command support in. Worst case scenario I could make a function that would be executable by the client console and process a command on the server.

It would be very nice if they'd allow us some sort of API to add new slash-commands via script.

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Re: GM Commands

Post by Eject70 » 25 Dec 2014, 17:29

Some more ideas :)


    Gm´s should get another chat color
    They should be able to give "mutewarns" and/or mute players for x minutes
    It would be awesome if Gm´s can post global or system messages (without the charname)


    While flying Gm´s should be visible except they turn on the invisible mode with a keybind


    There should be a GM related armor and/or weapon
    They should be able to spawn animals too (not in inv.)
    The teleport idea from the OP is awesome, would be good if GM could tp a player to another position too, e.g. the player stucks

Maybe i get more ideas later :)

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Re: GM Commands

Post by Daniel_Fate » 28 Dec 2014, 00:43

The teleport option would be really nice to have for GM's honestly. Especially if they need to get to a possible rule breaker in the middle of the act.

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