UI-related feedback

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Joined: 06 Jun 2015, 17:58

UI-related feedback

Post by Ashein » 07 Jun 2015, 21:26

So, I've been playing YO for a while. All bugs I encountered have already been filed to MantisBT, so there's really no reason to create more items on this subject.

In the unlikely hope the general feedback has any value, I'd like to leave the following words on the UI. I'm omitting the good stuff, so don't think I'm negative towards the whole stuff. It's really nice. It's just that there are parts (IMO, of course) that seem inefficient or frustration-inducing that I wanted to point.

  • Interaction with containers: the two windows always open one below the other. Eg. you open a container, the window shows, you want to drag something to your "bag", you press open inventory and get the second window on top. I initially thought the lock button will work as "pin" to alleviate this, but it doesn't. Have to work around this by starting drag-n-drop on source container before opening the second window.

  • General window management. A Close all windows hotkey is totally lacking. The Freelook button just hides "unlocked" windows. It would be much more faster to hit Close all instead of hunting all the Xses on windows.

  • Item drag-n-drop. Until I realized you have to hit the visible pixel of an item icon instead of some bounding box I had much pain with item management. I still forget about this. I realize this is done to target items properly when they are super-positioned in the windows. It is my speculation that the bounding-box model should have priority when there's actually a single item bounding box under the cursor.

  • Splitting the stack. The popup window with the slider and manual input requires too many actions to fulfill the action. Sometimes you cannot highlight the input string as its deselects for some reason, sometimes your input is overriden because what you started typing (the first digit) is considered an erroreous input. Why not auto-highlight the input string and run the sanity checks on user confirmation? And about confirmation - Enter isn't bound to Okay button, which generates an additional slow step.

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