Just some thoughts

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Just some thoughts

Post by Suntuz » 07 Sep 2015, 01:43


I want to start by saying I love this game and think it will do great once the MMO launches. I understand there will be some time till that happens and have some concerns while we wait. I just want to share some concerns that have been causing issues on several servers and some others that concern me and others.

• Last patch day cycle lag, okay we all knew there was issues with it but we dealt with the lag due to growth periods. However last patch there seemed to be all sorts of little trees not full grown added which is odd considering we had issue with this anyway in the past. That said we are now experiencing crashes at the end on an in game cycle during growth, yes we checked your hardware and connecting everything fine only issue was repeating errors on the server log attributed to items that seemed to be replicating so we reinstalled the server copy wiped, mind you everything was fine till that last patch and still same issue. So okay just restart problem is claims don’t trigger expansion which makes it a pain to grow your claim if you even can.

• Archery –I understand this is not a finished product but please try to be more realistic with arrow drop I thought it was fine in the past 60 str 50 agi and bows had decent distance and were usable for defense and attack. Now really only attack or close combat longbow with regular arrows seems to be the only way to go bodkins and broad heads drop off at half the distance as regular arrows.

• Move Out- Either remove this or put a timer up words of three minutes it makes no sense to watch I guy in full plate running like a gazelle chase down a naked man (yes I am guilty of doing this ) but it is ridiculous.

• Full Plate and Chainmail – Would like to see these require more components for example chainmail was widely used but it required a lot of work to make a full suit or even half a suit linking in the pieces and let me put on full set of iron plate said no knight ever full plate should have to be steel.

• Swamps- it would be cool if there were alligators and crocodiles in them

• Combat Identification – 20 people in combat at once what a mess people end up killing teammates by mistake everyone looks the same it’s a disaster. That said is fun as hell but it would be nice to be able to identify your teammates at a decent distance. I think the most realistic way of fixing this is tabards with guild colors and emblems, I think this is all that really needs to be done about this some want icons that a bigger in green or something else but I think it will take away from the game painted shields and tabards should be enough where you can tell who is who.

I do not mean this to be critical just something I wish could be address that would provide us all with better game play and less server turn over.

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Re: Just some thoughts

Post by Freshmango55 » 07 Sep 2015, 02:47

1. I have notice that there are at-least a 3rd the number of trees in saplings around the map and I suspect that this in combination with stump errors is causing serious lag in the morning which needs to be changed, it's been like this for a while now and quite frankly I'm getting sick of it, been putting up with it for a year.

2. Archery... I don't know about you guys but if you've ever shot a 150 pound longbow in real life it doesn't act the way it does in game at all.

3. Move out is the most stupid thing I've seen in this game, please for the love of all that is good heed my advice for formations below...
* Formation Commands should only work if multiple people are present in the formation area...

*Formation area should increase by some number lets say 25% in radius for ever extra member besides the leader that is present in the radius.

* Formation commands should not be spammable for 100% uptime... they should have cooldowns, this is what makes moveout so stupid.

4. If full - plate was made out of iron it would weight too much to move in.

5. I agree some diversity in animals should be added aswell as migratory patterns but this can be added later in the dev cycle and is not priority at all.

6. Please for the love of all do not make any artificial I.D. indicators like green arrows over heads or red circles under enemies, improve on combat identity by using realistic means such as painted shields, banners, and tabards which could be in the tailoring and art skills.

^ Exp. Look at my profile picture....

Edit - On a side note I think the parry mechanics need to be 100% reworked because they just don't work how they are, a parry should deflect all incoming damage and parry is so bloody difficult the way it is that it's just not worth using.

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