» 30 Jun 2015, 21:15
Hello. I was brainstorming with myself a bit about the races presented in the game and the overall impact of their presence in it. What occurred to me is that when you start playing your character or group really resembles a more tribal society than a full fledged feudal system. So I had the idea that would be more interesting and RP friendly if your culture progressed along with the technologies you unlock in your skill tree and so on.
My ideas are basicly a transition from a more tribal society and evolving to a ancient culture or early medieval culture, and then finally advancing to a more feudal and advanced culture and tech tree. The cultural impact would involve the architecture, armors and weapons, tools and several other things. Of course the game is about the feudal age, but the sudden transition between tribal to feudal is rather awkward. Going from stone tools to iron ones in matter of days or hours is practical but not very nice immersion wise. Even if you pass through these ancient/early medieval cultures, your ultimate goal is to reach the feudal system, so it stays loyal to the game premise.
Here are a small examples of the idea I had of the 3 basic culture trees, that evolve and branch out to other several archtypes that reflect aesthetically to your progression and perhaps even with different traits in the game mechanics (cheaper ships for Norse, faster horses for Huns, stronger monasteries to Teutons, stronger bows to Britons, large stock space for Latin). Of course the game has its own lore and races, but they are obviously based on real world cultures, so all of those names can be adapted to fit the game's lore. I think it would be a great addition to the game and make it even more enjoyable and RP friendly for those who like immersion.
Tier I:
- Tribal Euro
Tier II:
- Celts/Britons, Germanic/Goths/Franks, Greek/Roman, Saxon/Norse
Tier III:
- Scots, British, Holy Roman/Teutons, Frankish/Charlemagne, Spanish/Italians/Latin, Normans/Vikings
Tier I:
- Tribal Eastern
Tier II:
- Slavs, Huns, Hindu
Tier III:
- Rus, Carpathians/Cossacks, Magyars, Mongols, Indian
Tier I:
-Tribal Middle-Eastern/African
Tier II:
- Babylonic/Egyptian, Persians, Eastern Roman
Tier III:
- Arabic, Moorish, Turks, Byzantines
Give your opinions and comments here, I'm sure there is much more to adapt and change on these trees I placed here. I'm not an history expert, so I'm sure people can bring much more to it. And I also don't know if anybody had that idea before, so feel free to leave your message here, you are not alone. And I hope the developers see this and consider it and have their own thoughts about it.