Liamx4 wrote:Hi.
I was thinking abount one thing. Everyone know (well, should know) that actually full loot is a feature that is not working in MMOs, can work in little coop game shards, but not in MMO that need a lot of players to be called Massive (first M in MMO). Very few MMO players like full loot, more than this a lot of players like to play without problems of PvP everywhere, risking every moment character life and all the items.
Life is Feudal want to be a MMO, so need to have a lot of players, and this cannot be achieved with full pvp e full loot everywhere, in fact the indiegogo campaign is not collecting enough moneys because people are kept far from game because of these 2 features.
But hey, some players want pvp and full loot so I had an idea: just make only one single area (region) of the world with pvp and full loot enabled. In this region there should be great riches, best hunting grounds, best places for housing, the rarest resources and so on. So people who would like to compete with other players at the maximum will have to go in this region risking life and items. All other players (example: a crafter who is not interested in killing others and does not want to be killed) can stay in safe regions and enjoy the game without problems of pvp/full loot.
In this way a lot more players could be interested in Life is Feudal, because actually the majority of MMOs players are PvErs so if you create a great game for PvErs with a balanced and interesting area for PvPers (with full loot too) you can make a great game for both kind of players.
You are actually very wrong, there are 10's of thousands of players looking to that perfect Full loot pvp game, but have yet to find the right one that allows balance. What you are looking for is not a carebear area, you are just looking for some real balance to losing your stuff every 10 seconds. And that is easy.
Real balance is made when groups/clans have to work to keep their control over an area. Darkfall failed at this because 50 active man force could own half the maps cities and hamlets without really defending them all. Create real balance and dont make it easy for a elite group to own the whole map, make every group have to work to keep control of their area.
LIF already is taking the best aspects of many games, if that is done correctly LIF can be the BEST Game out there, i wont hold my breath though as ive been gaming since Ultima Online Beta and ive learned by now that to much is to good to be true. I do really hope LIF does try to make it to a point where not only is being a part of a village going to be important but your village having to be a part of a kingdom will be needed. Just like old real wars fought against the Irish. Allowing kingdoms to form from a bunch of local villages and giving the kingdom things to do to keep control of their territory... This would be the answer to the losing all your gear problem all the time. If you are not much of a PVPer you would stay closer to the safer parts of your kingdom, which would allow you to still go out and hunt and what not, but still be safe. The futher out you go then thats when possibly danger sets in.