The night before christmas 2050

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The night before christmas 2050

Post by Rosebud » 25 Dec 2015, 04:05

The night before Christmas 2050 or Saint Nick meets the population explosion...(Worth the read)

Twas the night before Christmas when all thought the gloom.
Not a creature was stirring...there just wasn't room.
The stockings were hanging in numbers so great,
we fear that the walls would collapse from the weight.
The children, like cattle were packed off to bed,
we took a quick count, over three hundred head.
Not to mention the grown ups, those hundreds of dozens
of uncles and in-laws and twice remove cousins.
When out side the house there arose such a din,
I wanted to look, but the mob held me in.
With push and shoving and cursing out loud,
in forty five minutes I squeezed through the crowd.
Outside on the ground I could see a fresh snow,
had covered the people asleep down below.
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
but an over weight sled pulled by countless reindeer.
They pulled and they tugged and they wheezed as they came,
and the red suited driver called each one by name.
Now Donner, now Dancer, now Pracer and Vixen,
on Comet, on Cupid, on Dunder and Blixem!
Now Melvin, now Marvin, now Albert and Jasper.
On Sidney, on Seemor, on Harvey and Casper,
Now Charles now Sue, but he stopped far from through,
Our welcome housetop was coming in view.
Direct to the housetop the reindeer then sped,
with an overweight sled and Saint Nick at the head.
And then like an earthquake I heard on the roof,
the clumping and pounding of each noisy hoof.
Before I could holler a warning of doom,
the whole aggregation fell into the room.
And under the mountain of plaster and brick,
mingled in-laws and reindeer and me and saint Nick.
He panted and sighed like a man who was weary,
his shoulders were stooped, his outlook was dreary.
"I'm way behind schedule" he said with a sigh'
"and I've been on the road since the first of July."
It was then that I noticed this great monstrous sack,
that he barely could hold on his poor creaking back.
"Confounded this job though my bags full of toys,
I'm engulfed in a birthrate of new girls and boys."
Then filling the stocking he shook a sad fist,
"This job is a killer I can't take the pace."
"This cluttered out world is beyond my control,
why there even are millions up at the north pole."
"Now I'm late!" he exclaimed,
"and I really must hurry. By now I should be over Joplin Missouri."
But he managed to say, as he drove out of sight,
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

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