Vanirs Kingdom

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 07 Jul 2017, 04:52

Vanirs Kingdom

Vanirs Kingdom is one of the premier pvp communities in LiF and were looking for more! We are so proud to have collected some of the best guilds. These are guilds that have made a name in their own right for fair play, hard work, and inclusiveness. Guilds that pride fun and hard work over exploits and zergfest. The kingdom offers support through various timezones and a welcoming international community for any player and guild that supports the effort of having fun while working to be your best. Led by Vanirs krigsmen this kingdom brings together some of the best leaders from many guilds. Please feel free to contact any of these guilds and apply for membership into the kingdom. Are you a guild looking to join the Vanirs Kingdom? Please contact one of our recruiters/ Diplomats below or a guild of your choosing:


Guilds in the Kingdom:
Axt & Kreuz -(German & French Speaking Realm) bundnis-axt-kreuz-stellt-sich-vor-t23734/
Blanche Pierre (french Speaking Guild) - post98672/?hilit=Blanche#p98672
Fenrisulvens Warriors - (Swedish Guild) fenrisulvens-warriors-t23730/
Forge - (North American Guild)
Framed in Blood - (Russian Speaking Guild)
Heidabyr - (intl Guild)
Mascarade - (Russian Speaking Guild)
The Order - (int’l Guild) : ,
The Varangian Guard - (int’l Realm) varangian-guard-recruitment-t23216/

Kingdom Rules:
Last edited by Gastenns on 07 Jul 2017, 05:20, edited 1 time in total.

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 07 Jul 2017, 04:58

Blanche Pierre
Blanche Pierre, ce sont d’abord des pionniers sur un jeu, Life is Feudal : You Own.
Des hommes et des femmes qui se sont regroupés sur le serveur
« Ma Vie féodale » à la sortie de LIF pour jouer ensemble dans la joie et la bonne Humeur, pour farmer mais en se marrant !
Le barde youtub vous racontera les rencontres, banquets, prêches à l’Eglise, Jeux Olympiques Féodaux et quelques Batailles que nous avons pu organiser.
Les hommes raconteront tellement d’autres moments passés ensemble et inoubliables…
Autant d’hommes rencontrés raconteront eux que nos hommes sont agréables, honorables et valeureux.
Nous serons très attentifs au respect de nos alliés et des pactes qui unissent les hommes.
Nous recherchons des joueurs actifs et sympa pour fournir de l'aide tant sur le plan matériel que militaire, ainsi si vous êtes plutôt PVP, ou bien RP/Farming, on vous assure que vous trouvez votre place au sein de Blanche Pierre.
Au plaisir !!!

Fenrisulvens Warriors
Hejsan, Fenrisulvens Warriors är en svensk guild som vart aktiv i LiF:YO ett tag och vi söker nu mera medlemmar för att etablera oss i MMO delen.

Framed In Blood
какахи кидать сюда Кошерность нашей стаи:
+Мы практикуем ритуалы (концептуальный момент, который я не встретил ни у одного другого сообщества. Это наша изюминка)
+ У нас есть барды, которые исполняют нам через рк/скайп/вентру во время боевых походов и мирных клан-ивентов. Обычно это игра на гитаре под аккомпонимент, чтение стихов или иное мракобесие)
+У нас нет правил. Мы живем следуя разработаной нами доктрине.(Стараемся уважать чужие взгляды. но жечь еретиков нам никто не запрещал)
+Клан играл в самые разные игры, но вы вряд ли найдете что либо о нас. Мы неплохо заметаем следы и стараемся не светится раньше времени. Но часто нас выдает наш образ жизни. В том же невервинтере сейчас доспехи всех членов клана выкрашены в кроваво-красный.
+Если в клане происходят конкурсы, то это действительно проработанные годные конкурсы. Во-первых, они всегда высокооплачиваемые. Во-вторых несут обучающий, концептуальный или политический характер. Мистификации или пиар-кампании. Ничто людское нам не чуждо.
+О клане написано две книги, около 18 повестей/кратких набросков и фуева туча стихов нашими бравыми бардами. Примеры можно увидеть в группе вк. Старый клан форум мы зарезервировали под архив.
+Боевые кличи, которые мы горланим "по ролям" и живая тактика. (уже пол сервера нвн знают о наших приемах "вспышка", "волчарня", "в бездну".
Если кто-то ищет ролевое общество, мы будем рады новым душам.
Пора собирать черепа трону черепов. Кррровь кровавому богу.

A NA based group playing on the Action packed EU server. A hardy and dedicated group looking for more members. Offering great leadership and NA time zone activity.

Heidabyr consists of a small group, but this doesn't dissuade them from having and achieving big goals. In fact, they heavily encourage new ideas and being proactive is one of the best ways to rise in Heidabyr. They keep to their roots and follow Norse tradition as may be apparent by their name. Both PvP and PvE is catered by Heidabyr, as they often build impressive fortifications which they gladly see tested - may this be by friend or foe. They are a friendly group of veterans who happily guide new players through the game. We are, after all, all here to have fun. Whether you are experienced or inexperienced, solo or with friends, Heidabyr is a place to be proud of calling home.
Last edited by Gastenns on 17 Jul 2017, 13:11, edited 1 time in total.

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 07 Jul 2017, 05:13

Ordo Teutonicus (Realm of Axt & Kreuz)
Ordo Teutonicus ist die älteste deutsche Gilde die im MMO noch aktiv ist. Der Clan wurde damals 2014 von 3 Alpha Testern gegründet.
Nach dem Release von Lif:YO hat sich der Clan zerstreut, weil es nicht das Spiel war, welches wir uns vorgestellt hatten.
Als es mit den MMO Tests weiter ging waren die OT’ler direkt wieder mit 11 Alpha-Testern zur Stelle. Jetzt zählt der Clan 50 Mitglieder und ist einer der größten und erfolgreichsten Deutschen Clans. Umso mehr seitdem der OT dem mächtigen Königreich der Vanirs Krigsmen und der Blood Pact Confederation beigetreten sind.

Schwarzdrachen (Realm of Axt & Kreuz)
Wir sind eine "Life is feudal"-Gilde und -Ritter-Orden.
Dabei sind wir jedoch kein Roleplay-Ritter-Orden, bzw. kein Ritter-Orden im herkömmlichen Sinne, sondern gehören eher zu denjenigen, denen der Zusammenhalt der Gruppe und der Spielspass wichtiger ist, als absolute 100%ige Authentizität.
Unsere Ziele verlieren wir dabei jedoch nicht aus den Augen und arbeiten uns gemeinsam zielstrebig nach vorne und so konnten wir in der Vergangenheit bereits mit viel Spass & Gaudi so einiges auf die Beine stellen und so gab es auch schon lobende Worte der Entwickler ("looks like incredible job") und Veröffentlichung von Screenshots auf deren Facebook-Seite.

Schwarzschilde (Realm of Axt & Kreuz)

The Order is a EU group that nevertheless has Americans in it's ranks.
Starting off as a small group of friends, the Order slowly grew in members and in reputation and is
now running on it's feet as a Disciplined, Experienced PvP Group.
A Faction of Small-Medium sized members, 15 for Wave 1 and 40+ For Wave 2, the Order claims the surname of
Terrowin, a Strong and hierarchy structured Leadership and even close ties between each member of the Order
despite of the tight hierarchy and the organization shown by it's members.
Recruitment is open on certain standards; We require people that at least want to learn both aspects of the game.
Nevertheless we remain a PvP group and people who are good fighters are usually expected to rise high in ranks. Please Contact:

Varangian Guard ... titled.png
The Varangian Guard is an active Life is feudal MMO guild, with the intention of becoming one of the most elite fighting forces on the game, we have a very competitive, yet cooperative mindset, understanding teamwork is important to succeed.
Regardless of our competitive mindset, we understand the importance of the PvE elements in the game and although we require all members to take part in our combat training exercises, we know that some people are better at PvE planning and other PvE related tasks, hard workers are hard to come by, but we welcome them here in the Varangian Guard, we aim to protect everyone in our ranks, whether they are at the pinnacle of their ability, or have room to improve, all members have a part to play.

VonCulm (Realm of Axt & Kreuz)
Nous sommes un regroupement de joueur francophone qui se sont découverts au grès des serveurs LiF:YO. Nous jouons un RP de moine teutonique français (mais avec un accent allemand assez prononcé) et notre système de fonctionnement interne réel est basé sur le suffrage universel : Nous n'avons pas de chef.

Nous sommes donc des prêtres, croyants, mais très laxistes sur certains « points de détails » de nos vœux, ayant une « libre » interprétation de la Bible et des Évangiles (certainement dût à notre grand âge et à nos expériences aux Croisades). Nous comptons dans nos rangs toute sorte de joueurs, du plus casual au plus hardcore en passant par des PvPistes purs et durs comme par des PvE boys. Cet ensemble hétéroclite fonctionne en bonne intelligence car nous sommes tous concernés par les prises de décision.

Nous sommes une communauté 100% francophone, alliés, entre autre, avec une guilde allemande, l'Ordo Teutonicus, car nous partageons le même RP et, à cause du système diplomatique de LiF, nous avons du devenir leurs vassaux mais les décisions sont prises en commun.

Par ailleurs, vous pouvez aussi prétendre à rejoindre notre regroupement d'alliance tout en restant indépendant (votre village, vos règles) sous certaines conditions

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 07 Jul 2017, 05:17

Vanirs krigsmen
Vanir Krigsmen is a PVP oriented guild created in the Norse Tradition. We gladly welcome crafters of all sorts. We are a well organized group that is known for building and pvping. In the YO version we made a reputation for ourselves of fair play, hard work and teamwork. We worked with and against the best guilds and the game and plan on bringing that same hard work and determination to the MMO. Want to join? Come join and make your home here. Bring with you a desire to learn, a desire to teach, to be part of something greater, and a great positive attitude. To apply copy the form below and add a post to the website. We all look forward to meeting you in the game.

To apply visit our recruitment page:
Last edited by Gastenns on 13 Jul 2017, 01:26, edited 1 time in total.

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 09 Jul 2017, 17:05

Wave 1 Phase 4 is underway and many of our guilds are working hard in the beta to test Trading Posts!

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 10 Jul 2017, 16:46

after the first 3 days of the test we have over 100 unique testers and 5 trading post! Want to check out all the new things in the beta with the help of a veteran group? Apply to one of our guild today!

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 13 Jul 2017, 01:01

After 4+ weeks of building Vanirs base is almost complete for the beta.

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 17 Jul 2017, 13:11

Founding Kingdom of the Blood Pact:

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 24 Aug 2017, 11:53

We are deep into training and testing in the MMO. Instanced battles are out and are very successful. Although there are still some bugs and issues it will clearly add some great pvp for the bigger fights. Its nice to be able to see all the guilds in the Blood Pact joining forces on the battlefield together.

Beta Tester
Posts: 198
Joined: 26 Mar 2016, 16:20

Re: Vanirs Kingdom

Post by Gastenns » 27 Aug 2017, 12:41

Testing the MMO Instanced Battle:


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