My view on Skills/Skilltree/Book - Feedback appreciated!

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My view on Skills/Skilltree/Book - Feedback appreciated!

Post by Waslap » 31 Oct 2014, 17:49

With alot of talk about the skills in many suggestion posts I decided to just photoshop about and set up a more logical skill tree in my opinion and a more realistic one compared to what we have now.

I played around with the skills from major and combat and even switched some.

This is what I came up with (picture is mostly self explainatory):

Any questions/explaination? I am willing to awnser!

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Re: My view on Skills/Skilltree/Book - Feedback appreciated!

Post by Tymefor » 31 Oct 2014, 23:21

to many hybrid weapon and armor combos imo. It makes it VERY hard to balance out pvp later. I feel we will find that if we want balanced play we have to sacrifice the ability to choose every armor type if we choose a particular weapon type.

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Re: My view on Skills/Skilltree/Book - Feedback appreciated!

Post by Waslap » 31 Oct 2014, 23:57

Tymefor wrote:to many hybrid weapon and armor combos imo. It makes it VERY hard to balance out pvp later. I feel we will find that if we want balanced play we have to sacrifice the ability to choose every armor type if we choose a particular weapon type.

I understand completely. But how to solve this? I feel like the original skill tree didn't solve this. Maybe cap the armor skills to a certain amount? Or give them their own skill cap. This will be determined by server then.

And on a side note every skill page should have its own skillcap not a shared one.

And of course certain weapons could be altered to do less damage/be slower in certain armors. A certain multiplyer as with food. Depending on the armour and its quality. Leaving durability out of the picture because something will only break when it his 0.

Example with plate u cant use bows. And xbows will be so much slower then how they would be when using padded or leather.

Normal swords will also be significant amount slower in plate when using it chainmail. Even though plate armors are very maneuverable they can still be quite heavy and tiresome.

This will make the player having to really chose between armors.

The main reason I made this was because u can learn using any weapon without knowing how to wear armor. And specifically to get tailoring earlier available. So the more primitive armors can actually be made earlier instead of later on when everyone is running around in their full plate and you are standing there in your light leather.

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Re: My view on Skills/Skilltree/Book - Feedback appreciated!

Post by Tymefor » 01 Nov 2014, 01:15

both pages do have separate skill skillcaps.

I find it interesting how the general consensus about "light" armours equal primitive armour. Historically light armour represented a huge technological jump. any leather worker was able to craft armor that mostly just strapped to the body. The same applied to chain and plate armour.

padded and scale armour were MUCH more complex creations requiring a level of personalisation to the wearer and multiple disciplines to create. But really none of that makes sense in the game world.

Good competitive pvp, usually follows a rule of thumb of 2 hard counters for every 1 build. I'm sure the skill trees will change massively in the future so im hesitant to comment on the current system.

The usual first step in pvp balance is to create hard counters and work backwards from there. Its boring to test vs opening up a massively open hybrid choice. But usually results in better feedback from testers. Compared to everyone just spamming crazy builds and lolling around till the favour of the month is found then the Devs apply a nerf to that and we start the whole crazy process again.

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