will we get any form of gambling one day ???

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will we get any form of gambling one day ???

Post by Baronandy » 13 Aug 2014, 07:01


can we open up a casino at home with out friends XD
damn that is a feature im missing in every mmo

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Re: will we get any form of gambling one day ???

Post by Jezbelle » 13 Aug 2014, 07:09


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Re: will we get any form of gambling one day ???

Post by Lukepop » 13 Aug 2014, 08:15

You could do this ingame.

E.g. Bet on a fight between two people using blunt weapons.
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Re: will we get any form of gambling one day ???

Post by Honzadr » 13 Aug 2014, 22:44

as Lukepop said
arena fights are already in game(but i think it needs something more reliable than simple agreement)

i have another idea
- you enter local inn, and in middle of the room, there is table with 2 dices and a wooden cup
the first player at the table has first turn(num1)(i think that there should be a button that will allow you to place bet, but you don´t have to play), and as other come to play, they receive their number(after turn of the player with highest number, turns will set back to 1)
and each turn players at the table can bet if player with the cup will win ,or lose
player puts 2 dices into the cup and shakes with it a bit and then puts it on a table(there could be some kind of minigame that could increase your chance of winning)
if sum of the numbers on dices is 7(true) player wins
if it isn´t equal to 7(false) player loses

if you bet X coins, you can not take them back
players can only place bets before the one with the cup starts to play(max 5 min, but i think 2 minutes are enough)
money on each size are recalculated into percents(how much you bet on your side) and at the end of the turn, players that bet on the winning side will receive percentage(more you bet-more you get) of all coins in the game(turn)

luck will increase probability of wining with the cup(if you are just betting, it won´t do anything)

This game is so simple that you can do it even in VB :lol:

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Re: will we get any form of gambling one day ???

Post by Artaus » 14 Aug 2014, 00:51


I think it would be cool to have a cup and dice as a portable gambling method. And play gambling games that were played in the middle ages.

Like Hazard. Or get creative and make your own games.


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Re: will we get any form of gambling one day ???

Post by Lukepop » 14 Aug 2014, 07:38

If it's in then have it as a furniture.
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Re: will we get any form of gambling one day ???

Post by Thokan » 15 Aug 2014, 08:16

You'll never see anything that complicated in a Sandbox MMO. There aren't even taverns.

I would like to see gambling, but you have to make it easy, simple and free if it's going to be any use or be implemented at all for that matter.

First have it easily accessible. Have a pair of dice be crafted from a simple piece of bone, or sold dirt cheap from the game store.

Then implement it as a simple but useful, yielding feature. Let the pair of dice be a clickable ability which makes an animation where you roll the dice on the ground, optionally, and prompt the result from the two dices in party chat.

Your gambling night is a fact.

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Re: will we get any form of gambling one day ???

Post by Baronandy » 09 Feb 2016, 09:15

and did they planned adding gambling ???

would be fun for the mmo if you go to another town for gambling.
who knows maybe you get robbed but you can defend yourself with a sword XD

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