[US] Final Sanctuary Gaming -RP-

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

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Joined: 11 Jan 2016, 07:23

[US] Final Sanctuary Gaming -RP-

Post by Shrap » 11 Jan 2016, 07:29

Final Sanctuary Gaming is lookig for new RP gamers to play on their LiF server. We are community based and have a settlement setup to help teach people new to LiF. For more information please visit our website at http://finalsanctuary.enjin.com/


Posts: 10
Joined: 02 Feb 2016, 05:49

Re: [US] Final Sanctuary Gaming -RP-

Post by Catalyst317 » 19 Mar 2016, 04:10

I would NOT recommend this server.

I am a pretty quiet person and kept to myself, but I logged in one day and part of my base was removed by an admin, as well as my 200+ bear traps. (yes I really did have that many) It was all within the rules and there was nothing built the was against them. After discussing it with the admin and server owner, within the first 5-10 minutes the admin started cussing and yelling at me. The admin and the owner both acknowledged that the admin has a short temper. They claimed that part of it was removed to be more accessible by players (my own claim) because they did not know if I was still playing because I was so quiet and kept to myself.

No due diligence was taken to see if I was still playing, as I was on all the time, my monument had 150k+ points in it, all of my animals were alive and the coops/stalls cleaned and no server logs were checked to see when the owner of the claim or members of the claim were last on.

Finally, after a lengthy discussion with the owner, it was said that the admin did it because he kept getting reports from players that they would die every time they came to my claim due to the bear traps and the admin was tired of it and did it all, and I quote, "to blow off some steam". (again, the owner and admin himself both said that the admin had a short temper) He did all this because I made it hard to be attacked by bandits. Why would I make it easy for people to come on to my claim if I didn't want anyone there?

Maybe the server used to be a good server, but from being yelled at, cussed at, my hard work deleted and being blamed for what happened, I can say this is one of the worst servers I have been on in my 1200+ hours of playing.

All of this is 100% factual and I tried my best to keep out any speculation or opinion.

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