my horse has disappeared

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Joined: 01 Dec 2017, 22:16

my horse has disappeared

Post by Bob62138 » 12 Feb 2018, 11:39

my horse has disappeared

I galloped, I found myself in the map, and the deconection, horse gone, look at the logs

thank you

je galopé, je me suis retrouvé dans la map, et a la deconection, cheval disparu, regardez les logs

I would like him


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Re: my horse has disappeared

Post by Arrakis » 12 Feb 2018, 14:06

If your horse/horse cart got bugged after crossing server border or lost completely, please provide us with the following information:

1. What happened with player (crash, disconnect...)
2. What happens with a horse (cannot find it, cannot interact with it, it hangs somewhere inaccessible)
3. Exact time of when it happened (your local PC time and timezone or UTC time)
4. Client logs from this day (Located in \Life is Feudal MMO\game\xx\logs where xx = your region. Timestamp indicates when you launched the game)
5. Location of incident (Avalon/Epleland etc)
6. Server nodes numbers (Which border specifically)
7. Character name

+Optional: Screenshot if available

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