[NA][INT] Starting Group[RP/PVE/pvp]

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

Posts: 10
Joined: 10 Feb 2016, 03:23

[NA][INT] Starting Group[RP/PVE/pvp]

Post by Knightmare » 29 Nov 2017, 16:18


Hello ladys and gentleman. This is not a regular recruitment, probaly is more like a challange invitation(or suicidal one haha)

About us
I'm a former brazilian player of Life is Feudal YO with some experience with the mmo. After some time playing in major pvp guilds me and my mate decided to start a new guild from the scratch, lefting behind the random pvp raids and atacks.

Our goals
We are interested on fullfill the life is feudal dream: rise a feudal kingdom from zero! In this journey we hope to meet some nice people =)

What a little group man!?!
As you may know we can't build a monument from less than 10 players, but good news we are in no hurry.The survival side of the game is one of our achievements to pursuit in this
long jorney. It will be a challange start with less than 10(It's hard even with 10!) but we are up to give a shot on this. We love some impossible task.
If you are freshmen or experienced player you are welcome. Being small gives us the advantage to pay more atentious with the new ones.
We have time and patience to mentoring the new ones and some story and plans to share with the elders.

About the group.
We don't have a name or set of rules, we intended to make this with the ones who decide to join us! We want you to make you mark in this new group and decide how it's going to
work out.

People who we are looking for
PvE- Building a society home(good looking and useful), search for food, masterize one craft, produce some high quality products for personal use and commerce it's definitly allign
with our understanding of havin fun here.
RP- At minimal we are rp friendly. If you got good ideias for a RP system or plot , join us and help we build a story together.
PvP-We already been heavy pvp'ers, but we lost interest in mindless fights. For sure the pvp aways find you, and we are not running away from fight. Indeed some strategic raids
are a good tatic and welcome, but attacking people without purpose is not our goal.
Age- We already play with 60's people, and adolescents. There are jerks on both sides of the coin, we don't mind your age, nationality or sex. Just don't be a jerk!
Language- If you talk portuguese great, but that main language of the guild it will be english.

If you are interested in, leave your discord or steam account(or send me by private message).

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