My experience with the game so far [Genuine new player]

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My experience with the game so far [Genuine new player]

Post by Drothschild » 29 Dec 2017, 12:20

Hello, this is our experience so far with Life is Feudal: MMO from two new players who purchased the game a few days ago. We did not play Life is Feudal: Your Own so this is our experience coming from fresh new players.

After purchasing the game and making a character we started out in the tutorial area called newbie island. This place was nice and not to far from the small village. We checked a few things out in preparation before moving to the main continent. After making the basic tools: primitive axe, shovel, saw, etc. and foraging around to check out gathering and building a shelter we headed over to the ferryman who took us to the main island.

I started at the very top of the map in tundra while my friend started at the very bottom of the map. In this case we could not play together at the start of the game. After spawning in all of our gear we accumulated was gone, all of the preparations wasted but our food bars were at the same level before we left newbie island. So I left newbie island with my food bar at 75 and started in the tundra area at 75 but the food and equipment I accumulated was gone. If you take away all of the gear why leave the food bar the same? Also, why start in the middle of tundra at the very top of the map and on the complete opposite side of people we will be playing with?

I did not mind losing all the equipment I made preparing for the main continent or starting in the middle of nowhere. I trekked on south toward my friend. It took about 30-40mins to get out of tundra, that was a little annoying since there is nothing up there, just snow. So I have to walk almost an hour doing nothing because the game spawns in the middle of nowhere at the start. No biggy, I moved on and made it out of the snow to where there were some trees and shrub. Foraged for berries every so often and made it to the green area. Next thing I know I’m being attacked by a wolf. I can’t outrun the wolf and die. This puts me right back where I started, at the top of the map in the middle of nowhere in tundra where I have to walk another 30-40mins. Again, doing nothing but walking to get out of nothing but snow at the top of the map. This time I find what appears to be a sword stuck in the ground so I walk over to it and check it out. After inspecting it there appears to be an axe and I try to take it. After attempting to take the axe my alignment goes down to negative 3 and the game tells me I tried to rob a grave. Now I am a criminal just for trying to pick up an axe in the middle of nowhere. I don’t think much of it; don’t worry though it comes back to haunt me later, keep reading.

I walk south for almost an hour to get out of the tundra again but this time I have no clothes. Stopping every so often to forage for berries. I made some primitive tools on the way. I get down to the green again and make it to a river. After swimming to the other side I get close to crossing one of the servers and get rubber banded back. This does not appear to be an issue at first, I figure if I keep walking the game will eventually load me into the next server. I continue walking and keep getting rubber banded back. After about 10 minutes of this and talking to my friend he thinks I’m stuck. I exit the game and re-enter but the same thing happens. After another 10 minutes of going up and down the line where the two servers connect the same result, I keep getting rubber banded back so we figure if I go all the way north and cross into that server and then cross into the next server to the right and then come down it should be good. Nope, attempting to cross into the server north has the same result. After trying for about 30mins to cross my food starts to get dangerously. We joke around and he suggests I try the “/suicide”. To our amazement it works and I die. Guess where I ended up???

Back in the tundra area at the very top of the map where there is absolutely nothing having to walk almost an hour just to get to trees and shrubs again. At this point I’m a bit irritated but I trek on. I’ve played Conan Exiles and 7 Days to Die so I’m a little familiar with survival games. After walking for another 30-40mins; so far wasting almost 3 hours just walking out of tundra where there’s nothing but snow I make it to the green again. This time I make it past the server boarder and have to go to bed. I spent about 3-4 hours just running south picking berries on the way. My friend and I did not get to play together.

On the second day I read building a hut would help with spawn location. While my friend was at work I built a hut. This took about 30mins which wasn’t bad. Leveled out the ground and put down the foundation and then gathered the materials and built it. I try to claim the new building I just worked 30mins to built and found out I couldn’t claim it because I need 1 copper. Searched online and found I had to go to a trading area and put items up for sale. Neither I or my friend are in a guild so after researching a bit more online I come to the realization I need to make it to the center of the map to get 1 copper. That’s probably another 4-5 hours of running and picking berries along the way without dying. I figure it will be worth it so I start heading south for my 1 copper. After running and picking berries and apples for an hour I have to log off.

On day 3 my friend is on and is heading north to the center of the map to acquire 1 copper so we can both claim land. I log in and after loading in I’m being attacked by a wolf. After my screen loads into the game I’m at half health getting murdered so I start running. I can’t outrun the wolf so I turn around and attempt to attack but die. So while I was loading into the game I was being attacked. Where do you think I end up? I load in at the hut I built on day 2. Not to bad, atleast I did not spawn at the very top of the map in the middle of nowhere were I’d have to walk 30-40mins just to make it to trees and shrubs again. Spawning at the hut I built I started making my way south to the center of the map again and shrugged off dying to a wolf at loading screen.

During this run I see a few castles and fields filled with apple trees, maple trees, etc and it looks cool. I make it to an open field and next thing I know someone on a horse is following me. I don’t pay to much attention and keep running. If I keep moving along they won’t bother me right? After running for about 5mins 2 more people on horses start circles me and then I get attacked. I don’t have an actual weapon or armor and I’m running practically naked through an open field and these guys in full armor on horses attack me. I stop and they get off their horses.

My chat window is barely visible since I changed the UI and made it see through. This didn’t make the words readable; I thought making the window see through would make it to where the window was barely visible but you could still see the content in the window; nope. So after a minute of staring at eachother I figure they might be trying to communicate with me. I figure out my chat window is not visible so I highlight in the box and they are asking me where I’m headed. I try to click in the box and start typing and tell them I’m headed to the center of the map. They ask me what is at the center of the map and then ask why do I show as a criminal? I keep clicking in the chat box to type but my character is jumping up and down so I guess I’m not clicking in the box correctly but I get a few words out. I tell them I accidentally looted a corpse at the start of the game. Next thing I know one of them hits me from behind and I fall to the ground. The guy from behind wales on me and I become unconscious. The guy in front hits me a few times while I’m down and I die.

Guess where I end up? Back at the hut a few hours from where I was just brutally murdered for trying to get to my friend at the center of the map to get 1 copper. At this point I logged out.
My friend makes it to the center of the map and tries to get his 1 copper. Come to find out he can’t since all of the items that can be sold are nothing he’s able to make. Ok, so how are we supposed to claim land if we cannot get 1 copper. Can someone just come over to my hut and pull a penny out of their pocket and claim it? What if I build a bunch of stuff that takes a few hours. Can someone come over with the penny they dug out of their couch and just claim all of my stuff? At this point I don’t want to play since after 3 days I haven’t been able to play with my friend. Why do we start in random locations and why do we have to make it from either the complete top of the map or the complete bottom of the map to get to the center to trade for 1 copper? The walk alone will take about 1/3 of an actual day of running and gathering berries and apples just to get 1 copper; if we can find or make something to sell on the market.

TLDR Version:
Started at the very top of the map several times in the middle of nowhere in tundra and have to walk almost an hour just to find trees. Literally nothing else but walking. Why not give us the option to spawn in at a certain location of the map. So after talking to the ferryman and using the token we receive to move to the main island why doesn’t the game let you choose a starting point? Give us the option to choose top, bottom, middle, etc. so I can atleast get mauled to death and brutally murdered in the company of my friend. It does not seem fun to have to walk for 3 days just to meet up with a friend to start playing. Those 3 days of doing nothing but running either north or south picking berries and apples is retarded. I bought this game because it’s an MMO that I wanted to play with my friend but all we have been doing is running picking berries and apples. You can’t claim land unless you have a penny that you must obtain from a trading post. You can’t utilize player built trading posts unless they allow you to and from what I’ve gathered so far a lot of players in this game are griefers. So I can’t obtain a penny to start having fun in the game. I don’t want to build a bunch of stuff and have some random dude come over to my place and throw a penny at my house and automatically claim everything I spent hours working on.

What kind of messed up game is this? We did not start with a bunch of people coming over from Life is Feudal: Your Own. This is genuine thoughts and experience from a new player to the Life is Feudal game. If it is going to be like this when the game is released I have a feeling a lot of people won’t be playing for long.

I think the main problem is we did not spawn together and instead have to run across the map for about 5 hours picking berries along the way hoping we don't get mauled to death or brutally murdered by griefers. This along with needing 1 copper to own land that has to come from a trading post. If friends could start together instead of starting at the very top of the map and at the very bottom of the map and not need 1 copper from a trading post in the center of the world to own land it wouldn't be that bad.

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Re: My experience with the game so far [Genuine new player]

Post by Hodo » 29 Dec 2017, 15:17

The spawning issue I can agree with. But it was done to alleviate the load on server tile 25 "The capital city.

But the other parts of you story, while fascinating is unfortunately the state of the game. It isnt a game for loners or individuals or even small clicks of friends. It is a game for guilds, kingdoms and armies. I HIGHLY suggest you find a guild and they will help you find your way and get started. But trying to do things on your own, just wont work.
Don't build what you can't defend- Rule number 1.

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Re: My experience with the game so far [Genuine new player]

Post by Drothschild » 29 Dec 2017, 15:40

Thank you Hodo,

I will wait until the game is released and then look around for a guild. I wanted to play the game while in Beta to get the hang of it before the game was released but I don't see the point right now since I know the basics at this point and don't want to be murdered again by players mistaking me for being a criminal. Running for another 5 hours just to get to my friend; hoping I don't die to wild animals or griefers; which will most likely happen since we have to run across the map, (just to play and enjoy the game with my friend) does not seem like much fun when I can go play another game and play with my friend now. Atleast once everything resets I won't be labeled as a criminal for looting a corpse in the middle of the antarctic. By that time I'll have more motivation to run and pick berries for 5 more hours to get to my friend on the other side of the map and hopefully not get picked off over and over again while doing so. :-)

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Re: My experience with the game so far [Genuine new player]

Post by Hodo » 29 Dec 2017, 15:45

I can give you a tip for dealing with wolves...
A torch.. hit a wolf with a torch it will run away. Bears on the other hand... just run... run fast, and dont stop.

Sorry to see you leave but not worry I am sure you arent the only one with this exact experience. I know had it not been for my guild I probably would have left a while ago myself.
Don't build what you can't defend- Rule number 1.

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