Westhold is Recruiting!

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

Posts: 6
Joined: 17 Nov 2017, 05:14

Westhold is Recruiting!

Post by WhiteKnighted » 11 Jan 2018, 16:22

Greetings all!

We're Westhold, a relaxed, friendly, 110 person+ guild that is looking to recruit! We welcome anyone, but we particularly enjoy pvp, building, and trading.
Our guild is set up as a meritocracy, so anyone who is dedicated can rise. Come see us in SE 23 on the north side of the lake shore! We're friendly as long as you're friendly.
We mostly use Teamspeak and generally our player base is 20's-40's. While all are welcome, we are particularly looking for:

*Scouts/Horse Tamers

Commando PVP and dedicated PVP (0 crafting) roles available!

If you'd like to experience starting a base from scratch, we have expansion guilds going up that need solid members to rise and fill all variety of roles.



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