Guild Creation and Personal Claim Edit

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Guild Creation and Personal Claim Edit

Post by XUKxRickyxUKx » 28 Jan 2018, 18:32

Both of these features seem to not be working I have left a previous game and 11 of us have come south we are working on building together I have a previous personal game in the north and I need to remove people who have access and delete so first issue cant edit my own personal claim through the site and second issue cant seem to create or do anything with the Creation of a guild on the website on the EU side this is a massive issue as we have like 11 people with no claim eager to go ...

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Re: Guild Creation and Personal Claim Edit

Post by Arrakis » 28 Jan 2018, 20:19

If you suffer from issues with guild/claim management, error pops up, you're stuck at processing or the changes simply do not apply, please provide us with following details:

1. Description of the issue (Error/Processing/Changes do not apply...)
2. World name
3. Character name
4. Guild name in case of guild interface issue
5. Screenshot (Whole screen)
6. Email address

And use console commands until this issue is resolved, please: topic24443/

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