Weapon feedback and space control/movement mechanics

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Weapon feedback and space control/movement mechanics

Post by WestArcher » 09 Feb 2018, 16:09

First of all this game probably has my absolute favorite concept when it comes to handling combat (on the rare occasions when the server cooperate) however there are more than a few very serious problems with combat, both with weapon feedback and movement mechanics.

First of all movement mechanics are pretty stupid from a combat context.
Characters are very floaty and don't really react to anything.
The most glaring examples are things like impaling yourself on thrusting weapons so you take less damage (handle hit)
Flipping war/peace stance at your leisure (both for running away and chasing, war stance sprint kind of sucks)
Unhorsing/knocking people down most of the time just gives them invincibility frames (probably another server issue with lagging phantom hitboxes)
Mounting horses is too easy, lancers are rarely punished when they get unhorsed unless you have a team of people locking down the horse and playing ring around the rosy with the rider.

All sorts of silly things.
The game needs some kind of mechanic to provide better feedback with weapons and movement mechanics.
Even something as simple as a tapering movement slow on being hit by a melee weapon would suffice, having a successful parry remove the debuff would be a rewarding way to go about it.

Something like that, I don't know.

If I have a longer weapon than my opponent I should be able to use it to better control spacing/keep him away from me, and likewise if my opponent with a shorter, easier to control weapon is able to get inside my guard he should then have the advantage.

At the current state of the game it's like watching everyone play tag as they dart around flipping peace/war stance trying to catch eachother, even in the IBs it's pretty silly.


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Re: Weapon feedback and space control/movement mechanics

Post by Hodo » 09 Feb 2018, 19:16

Funny you mention this, but you are right.

Some kind of better feedback on the weapons would be an improvement.

Oh and I am that guy who runs around with a war axe in light armor at best, and smacks someone with it hoping to break bones. Then I kill them.
Don't build what you can't defend- Rule number 1.

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Re: Weapon feedback and space control/movement mechanics

Post by WestArcher » 12 Feb 2018, 21:44

It's true
Nearly naked + Shoes and high fracture weapon is fun.

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