first time i login in this game im stuck

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first time i login in this game im stuck

Post by Mancoqui » 01 Mar 2018, 22:58

HI im a new player that bought this game today.
After using the ticket at the beam in newby island i spawned far away from my friends server (they are in server 30 i spawned in 14)so i decided to suicide drowning in the water and after the suicide i spawned in the middle of 2 walls (it seems a fortress) and i cant go out .(also i not have even wood stick to build something)
Even if i use /stuck in the console 50 times i cant do nothing
pls help me(and if you can pls teleport me near server 30 because i lost 8 hours of time that i could use to go there.
thank you.

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Re: first time i login in this game im stuck

Post by Arrakis » 02 Mar 2018, 02:10

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