"Offensive Monuments"

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Posts: 21
Joined: 24 Apr 2018, 20:39

"Offensive Monuments"

Post by Slamzbootspike » 08 May 2018, 19:37

Half-baked ideas presents:

Here is an enemy claim. You want to attack it. In order to do that today you need to spawn 10 alts into a new guild and deal with all the hassles of that because you need a monument to drop near them and obviously your main monument is already is use.

User story:
"I would like to be able to attack enemy claims without having to spawn a new guild."

Every T4 guild can create an additional guild monument called an "Offensive Monument" which can be placed anywhere in the world.

The offensive monument is literally just a guild monument with all the same rules and restrictions, with a few adjustments:

* Offensive monuments must be built within 150 tiles of an enemy monument.
* The cost to maintain and upgrade them is two-fifths normal (e.g. t4 costs 2 vostaskus ingots, not 5)
* Walls, towers and gates cost 50% normal.
* During JH the walls, towers and gates become vulnerable to attack.

The idea is to make it easier and tempting to use this "offensive monument" while at the same time creating some......fun gameplay elements by making it more vulnerable. You COULD still spawn a new guild and have the usual invulnerable town claim but you'll pay a lot more for it.

Might be a lot of other ways to solve the basic problem but in the end we should be able to have wars without having to create a bunch of alt guilds.

Posts: 8
Joined: 16 Feb 2018, 17:05

Re: "Offensive Monuments"

Post by Krlitozglz » 13 May 2018, 17:36

I like this idea except for the part where you make it cheaper. It should either cost the same or more. You are trying to destroy a guild here. Why should it be easier?

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