Well just must say this. I play with one m8 on official server, and we are trying hard. two days ago there was an as* on our server who claimed our house while we were offline and stole our stuff..
ofc. we found him, killed him and took back our stuff... now we are criminals ofc. and now I am working hard on walls around village. BUT! why? if he can claim my door for himself and keep harrasing just for fun the second I am not online to claim it. will I lock myself in? why cant my m8 use it if im not online? It makes no sense. put friend list, or owner list at least ... If I build it I own it and allow other players to use... sounds simple. or a pass?! anything!
I know guys are working hard. but so are ppl trying to test and play everything. official server should be the first place to test game and its hard with some jackass who is stealing from you and harrasing you on every corner. I DO want the game thats in solid shape with less bugs and chrashes.... but to be honest, I'd much rather be able to control better objects made by myself and fellows. I can take a chrash now and then. I singed up for it.
P.S. when u implement destruction and deconstruction .... thats a whole different thing ofc. but im in for that, and for that I will need a server full of various people... not private server where I am the boss...0
Idea: mybe no ownership at all? how about the gate (from walls) can be locked only from inside? all ppl who live in village can teleport home anyway... and that is kid of real isn't it? back then ppl who had access to locked gate.... locked it!