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Moderators: Codeman, Arrakis

Posts: 246
Joined: 10 Jan 2015, 02:01
Location: Quebec, Canada

Already logged in...

Post by Sebas555 » 27 Jan 2015, 13:17

I open my PC this morning and I see that I'm still logged in into the forums but on the account link on top right I see "Log in" so I'm not... but I can see my User control Panel and all my messages... I'm confused. Aren't the forum suppose to log you out after a certain time of inactivity or is it a browser trick to let you see your stuff without being really logged in into the forums... :Search:

Posts: 246
Joined: 10 Jan 2015, 02:01
Location: Quebec, Canada

Re: Already logged in...

Post by Sebas555 » 30 Jan 2015, 00:44

I appreciate the effort to counter the spam but the new confirmation code system has no "regenerate" button if the code you got is unreadable...

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