
For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

Posts: 1
Joined: 24 Sep 2015, 06:21


Post by Stany101 » 24 Sep 2015, 07:03

Just need more people for my town! Add Tylam123 on steam and i will respond , if you are interested of course. Some addtional info about our new town below.

The Rise of Eramus and its society
Eramus, a city of two ruling Consuls, a city of trade and with a new state system was established relatively quickly in light of economic (material) difficulty in Stormgrove that caused migration. Stormgrove, coping with the migration crisis, supplied the migrants with the basic necessities for the journey, who were now searching for a new home and a new beginning. The wanderers journeyed into the unknown and wild province of Montetjo and came across a relatively scenic view of the nearby bay and distant island. The region was beautiful and holds a potential superior economic position between the major powers. Over time, the grass covering plateau became a part of the keep and utility necessities that encouraged Eramus’ expansion out towards the swamp highway and regional bay. The geography of the region made the many levels of Eramus a natural occurrence as the city was and is being designed level by level. The new settlement of Eramus, a port city situated in the Montetjo province and between the two major powers of Fury City and Stormgrove, serves as an excellent position for trade because of the relative short distance between each retrospective power.
Eramus’ state and military system is uniquely different to many other states within the realm of Fury. The governing of the state is determined by the two Consuls, co-rulers that ensure decisions are made for the betterment of the settlement and not for self-interests. Additionally, other positions of government below Consul, such as
Praetor, Aediles, Quaestor and Tribunes will operate the military, maintain and expand infrastructure, judicial and financial system and represent the people’s concerns of Eramus locally and interregional.

Praetor-Second to the Consuls and is in command of the military forces.

Aediles- Maintains and expands infrastructure

Quaestor- Judicial and Financial system

Tribunes- Represent the people’s concerns (Also can be military Legit or diplomat)

Militarily, Eramus has a standardised policy when it comes to its armed forces with the state supplying the assigned arms for its military forces. The more centralised military structure and its standardisation makes military formations more effective with a collective fighting force cooperating together cohesively, opposed to individual soldiers forming a simple mass upon the chosen battlefield.

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