Recruiting PvP mercenaries

For the sole purpose of guilds recruiting members.

Posts: 3
Joined: 20 May 2016, 17:29

Recruiting PvP mercenaries

Post by Pureluck » 12 Jun 2016, 23:46


I'm playing on a LIF server with no JH on my own, it's an 20-30 players average server on peak times with 900 skill cap, tonight I just got attacked by a 4-5 men guild over a gold mine on unclaimed land, and I would like to recruit few mercenaries that do not care about alignment to come over and help me get revenge . I will craft you armor/weapons and everything you need from training dummies and what not. I got a decent sized claim with tier 3 monument, 80% of 180 tiles wall done and fair amount of stacked resources, started a keep as well.

Server is called LifWoK (Wrath of kings) , the guild is under the name of "Night Patrol", with myself Pureluck as only member.

If you come in a large group, I am considering passing over ownership of the guild as well. I do not have much pvp experience but I'm starting to improve.

Looking forward to play with you. You can message me here or find me on steam as Pureluck01

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