Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sainse1 » 28 Jul 2017, 00:07

Neřekl jsem, že je zbytečný, je dobře, že postujete aktuální informace. I když, i z tvé strany je ten pohled značně zaujatý, polovinu věcí víš taky jen z jedné strany a stejně tak tomu na slepo věříš.

Líbí se mi jak stále poukazuješ na UHS, že jsou to takový ďáblové. No UHS zatím poskytli nejvíce FeedBacku pro Devs a jako jedinný nahlásili tzv. NighVision, který členové BP tak úspěšně používají (ano stejně jako členi UHS)

Nicméně si stále neupustil od svojich konspiračních teorií o tom jak někdo chce ovládnout svět MMO ,a že vše se musí točit kolem BP a UHS. No teď je tu i DAC, a další nová silná aliance se právě tvoří.

Nepřišel jsem vysvětlit jak to bylo, ale náhodou když se probírali záležitosti mezi UHS,DAC a řešili se tam i Askians, tak jsem měl tu možnost být u toho na TS/DS. Ale jak řikám, sleduju vše s popcornem v ruce a jen čekám co bude dál 8-)

Tak si užívej svoje politické záležitosti , určitě to všichni ocení :good:

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Kazar » 28 Jul 2017, 03:37

Ja ťa naozaj niekedy nerozumiem. Na začiatok povieš že je dobré že postujem aktuálne info a nakoniec ironickú poznámku ktorá popiera začiatok. Ale to je asi len môj problém...

USH úspešne používa každý bug ktorý nájdu. Ja som mal možnosť byť na ts keď sa riešilo zneužívanie takýchto veľkých bugov až cheatov ako night vision. Všetci zúčastnení súhlasili na nepoužívaní takýchto cheatov. USH tam nebolo. Preto by som si tvrdenie dovolili otočiť.
který členové BP tak úspěšně používají (ano stejně jako členi UHS)
který členové USH tak úspěšne používají (ano stejně jako členi BP).

Toto tvrdenie nemáš nijako podložené. Tiež môžem povedať že BP dal najviac feedbacku pro devs.

Zatiaľ sa to všetko točí okolo BP a USH lebo na svete MMO nieje silnejšia alliancia ako tieto dve.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sainse1 » 28 Jul 2017, 17:46

Tak já ti to osvětlím

Jsem rád, že dáváte informace z MMO, když nikdo jiný asi nemůže.

Moje vyjádření bylo čistě subjektivní abych přinesl i druhý názor pro hráče z jiné strany.

To, že jsem se vyjádřil nadsázkou a napsal, že to jsou hovna, jsem myslel vážně. Nicméně já to nemyslel, zle, že by tvůj post stál za hovno nebo byl zbytečný. Ale, myslel jsem to tak, že jsou zbytečný tyhle žabomyší politické války a všechny tyhle politické hovna co každý řeší.

Další věc, Sons of Odin členi BP hrajou na serveru kde jsme i my, a zde používají Night Vision, přepodkládám, že na TS tedy nebyli aby to odslouhlasili.

Když poprosíš Devs o vyjádření, tak ti potvrdí, že věci jako Night Vision , bugování přes stuck na hradby atd., nahlásila přesněji guilda Masons, tedy členi UHS, hned jak to objevila, nicméně to že devs trvá nějakou dobu to opravit je druhý problém.

Tak snad jsem ti osvětlil, jak jsem myslel můj první příspěvek, a že to nebylo myšleno zle vůči tobě nebo tvýmu postu, ale vůči všem těch zhovadilostí kolem politiky ve hře.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Chuto » 29 Jul 2017, 16:28

tak čo sa Night Vision týka ten používa takmer každý. to že tie noci urobili také tmavé tomu dost pomohlo. A čo sa nahlasovania bugov týka, je jedno kto to nahlásil prvý. dôležité je že o tom devs. vedia a odstránia ich.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sharana » 29 Jul 2017, 17:10

Sorry that I couldn't hold myself, but the bullshit level was over the top.
The night vision game file was written by a russian from what I know. I got the file from USH not that long ago, so they were using it earlier. Claiming BP didn't show the file to devs as soon as they got it as well is ... won't even comment on that :pardon:
In the old night I didn't know how to boost up brightness to see during night (console command), learned that from USH guy. Same for rotating the PC clock like 1 year ago to skip night - I was told by USH members.
The autologin script - yes I got that one from USH as well...

I don't say that in the bad sense, but it's how it is. When guys play on competitive level they use everything they can get their hands on and that's allowed. Calling 1 side "better" like not using something or reporting it while the other isn't is pretty stupid and I'm sure you know that...

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sainse1 » 30 Jul 2017, 00:30

I dont throwing a shits on the wall. Just comment that there is still one sides opinion, which making from Russian only devils. Specially, when some member of BIA talking about UHS, they are talking of them like they are only noobs who can play only with bugs, cheats, atc.

I dont care of that, everybody can use whatever he want. But, Sharana, you also must know, that 80% of BP members, are using the same bugs/cheats/hacks, as UHS. As Chuto said "All are using the Night Vision. But Kazar said that on the disscusion on TS, they decided, that they will not use this. You know what i mean. But its ok, Im also using a gamma calibration, but i dont blame others, that im only one who is not using anything.

My argument, that UHS reporting these bugs for devs. was gived, cuz i know a lot of guys from UHS, also i know a lot of guys from BP. And I can say, thats there are a bad guys and good guys like everywhere. BP havent only good guys, and BP have not clear shield, as well as UHS. Thats why a reacted. I still read on this CZ/SK forum from BIA side, that only UHS are devils, blood pact are gods, and because of UHS there are bugs, cheats maybe global warming also, lul. So thats why i write the second side opinion, cuz i know that they are cool guys (some of them), and UHS SAME AS BP, trying to make this game better.

Every coin have two sides, as everybody. I understand that you are protecting your alliance, and thank you for your comment.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sharana » 30 Jul 2017, 14:50

Sainse1 wrote:As Chuto said "All are using the Night Vision. But Kazar said that on the disscusion on TS, they decided, that they will not use this. You know what i mean.

To be fair it was not TS meeting - it was Discord one and it was organised by DAC. All guild representatives (Masons included as Anatolij was there) agreed that they shouldn't promote the use of such hacks (which was defined as game files modification) and leaders should give an example at least. Also no videos and stuff should be posted about this to avoid promotion/further spreading.

And 2 weeks later Anatolij posted a video where he uses the night vision. So there is that also...

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Zohann » 31 Jul 2017, 11:25

Sharana wrote:Sorry that I couldn't hold myself, but the bullshit level was over the top.
The night vision game file was written by a russian from what I know. I got the file from USH not that long ago, so they were using it earlier. Claiming BP didn't show the file to devs as soon as they got it as well is ... won't even comment on that :pardon:
In the old night I didn't know how to boost up brightness to see during night (console command), learned that from USH guy. Same for rotating the PC clock like 1 year ago to skip night - I was told by USH members.
The autologin script - yes I got that one from USH as well...

I don't say that in the bad sense, but it's how it is. When guys play on competitive level they use everything they can get their hands on and that's allowed. Calling 1 side "better" like not using something or reporting it while the other isn't is pretty stupid and I'm sure you know that...

Sorry that I couldn't hold myself, but the bullshit level was over the top.

We, Masons, received this file from a Russian BP guild member. We were fighting them on one YO server. They were shooting arrows at us utterly from the darkness, just out of nowhere. We had no torches, and they were hitting in 100m distance. Lately a guy from that guild told us about this file before he left that guild, and told us that all the BP is using it already for a long time. Considerring the fact, that it totally disbalances the game, as we are totally blind while the enemy is not, we decided to counteruse it to balance.

Strangely, but we learn all the bugs from the BP themselves and thats the fact). For ex, looking at the video where Sharana made a character called Bobik the Machinegunner, made him invulnerable and with xbow machine gun bug and attack dagfinns on their server, we after some studies discoverred how he did that and sent this report to devs. We never used it ourselves, since whats the point in it? To have fun? But that is stupid! You just like want to mock people in fact, that "haha, I know more bugs then you do, so just eat this!"

Some people have twisted view on competiteveness. Making our beloved game - a game of bugs, where the one who knows more bugs is the winner, is totally wrong. But thats Sharana's point of view. He's representing one of the biggest communities, not the last man there, and hearing from that guy that "When guys play on competitive level they use everything they can get their hands on and that's allowed". That is not allowed, Mr Potato). But you will never understand it.

Actually, there is a good side in that BP are massively abusing game mechanics and looking for more ways to "win" to compensate the lack of skill. The more bugs they uncover and use them in combat, the more of them become public and get fixed faster. So, plz, continue).

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sharana » 31 Jul 2017, 11:47

Zohann wrote:looking at the video where Sharana made a character called Bobik the Machinegunner, made him invulnerable and with xbow machine gun bug and attack dagfinns on their server, we after some studies discoverred how he did that and sent this report to devs.

Boris the machine gun. And sorry to bring it to you, but members of USH guild showed me the bug and asked to bring it to the devs. Big thanks for that, because it's really a nasty bug and benefits everyone when it's fixed. That's march 26th late evening and I make this report video which is uploaded after midnight, so 27th already.

Then skipping all the personal conversations and the 1. April fool that didn't happen as Saxxon suggested (would have been really funny) Tolik informs me the bug was fixed - that's 28th.
So yes - I'm guilty of registering to the dagfins server AFTER THE DEVS HAD A HOTFIX (and 1 day before they bring it to YO) and trolling them really fast for a reason I won't won't disclose. Here it is:

But yes - you can live in a universe where it's me using exploits and it's you that are finding out and reporting it :)

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Zohann » 31 Jul 2017, 12:07

Sharana wrote:
Zohann wrote:looking at the video where Sharana made a character called Bobik the Machinegunner, made him invulnerable and with xbow machine gun bug and attack dagfinns on their server, we after some studies discoverred how he did that and sent this report to devs.

Boris the machine gun. And sorry to bring it to you, but members of USH guild showed me the bug and asked to bring it to the devs. Big thanks for that, because it's really a nasty bug. That's march 26th late evening and I make this report video which is uploaded after midnight, so 27th already.

Then skipping all the personal conversations and the 1. April fool that didn't happen as Saxxon suggested (would have been really funny) Tolik informs me the bug was fixed - that's 28th.
So yes - I'm guilty of registering to the dagfins server AFTER THE DEVS HAD A HOTFIX (and 1 day before they bring it to YO) and trolling them really fast for a reason I won't won't disclose. Here it is:

But yes - you can live in a universe where it's me using exploits and it's you that are finding out and reporting it :)

So, you used this bug "to troll". Strangely, but we knew about this bug, though we never used it, even though we have many people to troll around. That just reveals your attitude. Like in CS people switch on cheats and get on servers and spoil evryone else's game "just to troll". And then such people go on forums to promote fairplay :ROFL:

Sharana, youve always been a fat troll).

Also, I just cant get that USH guys ask a BP guy to show some bugs to devs, cause they are unable to do it (??)

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sharana » 31 Jul 2017, 12:25

Zohann wrote:So, you used this bug "to troll". Strangely, but we knew about this bug, though we never used it, even though we have many people to troll around. That just reveals your attitude. Like in CS people switch on cheats and get on servers and spoil evryone else's game "just to troll". And then such people go on forums to promote fairplay :ROFL:

Sharana, youve always been a fat troll).

Also, I just cant get that USH guys ask a BP guy to show some bugs to devs, cause they are unable to do it (??)

If you knew about this bug, but never used it - why didn't the devs know about it? As you can see they learned about it from the video that I sent them and fixed it 1 day later saying big thanks for bringing that to them :pardon:

You can't get it, because it's politics for you. For others it's not. It happened that because of long history of cooperation reports that I PM get moved up faster then sending it via the mail. And because of that I get PMs about bugs/exploits that need attention not only from BP members, but USH and DAC also and this is not politics. Not a small part of the reports I'm sending come outside of BP.
About this specific bug I was told the exact same thing as usually - it's old bug, but more and more players start learning about it and some even started to use it - can you bring it up ASAP, so it's fixed before it becomes the next 1shot lance pandemia?
And it was indeed fixed in a matter of days as it's major exploit.

It's just funny how you contradict yourself:
Zohann wrote:we after some studies discoverred how he did that and sent this report to devs.

Zohann wrote:Strangely, but we knew about this bug, though we never used it, even though we have many people to troll around. That just reveals your attitude.

So which one is it? :) Because for me it's the 2nd given that I was poked "from your side" about it and asked to bring it up.
And it would be spoiling if it was JH or part of a raid, not going solo at prime time knowing there are GMs ON to ban me like 2 minutes after I kill a dagfin )

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Zohann » 31 Jul 2017, 12:30

I just look at the posts. Masons are pretty much widely discussed, though, I presume, there is only shit about us. :D I really wonna understand wtf you are writing about us, but google translate does not help at all). And it makes me sad.

You know, I am Mason right from the very begining of the Masons as a serious PVP guild, (2 years), yet I actually cannot grasp what is so fking special about us?))) Why every single political thread is started with discussions about masons?)) We are just a small PVP guild, nothing more) Leave us alone).

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sharana » 31 Jul 2017, 12:36

Idk - the only place I said "Masons" is where I said that Anatolij was on a Discord meeting organised by DAC along with representatives of BP and many other guilds. The result was that everyone agreed not to post videos using the night vision "hack" and that leaders should at least give and example by not using it.
And Anatolij later on posted a video where it can be seen that he uses it.

If that's "every single political thread is started with discussions about masons" you have some strange views and just see your name even if it's not there :)

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Zohann » 31 Jul 2017, 12:42

Sharana wrote:
Zohann wrote:So, you used this bug "to troll". Strangely, but we knew about this bug, though we never used it, even though we have many people to troll around. That just reveals your attitude. Like in CS people switch on cheats and get on servers and spoil evryone else's game "just to troll". And then such people go on forums to promote fairplay :ROFL:

Sharana, youve always been a fat troll).

Also, I just cant get that USH guys ask a BP guy to show some bugs to devs, cause they are unable to do it (??)

If you knew about this bug, but never used it - why didn't the devs know about it? As you can see they learned about it from the video that I sent them and fixed it 1 day later saying big thanks for bringing that to them :pardon:

You can't get it, because it's politics for you. For others it's not. It happened that because of long history of cooperation reports that I PM get moved up faster then sending it via the mail. And because of that I get PMs about bugs/exploits that need attention not only from BP members, but USH and DAC also and this is not politics. Not a small part of the reports I'm sending come outside of BP.
About this specific bug I was told the exact same thing as usually - it's old bug, but more and more players start learning about it and some even started to use it - can you bring it up ASAP, so it's fixed before it becomes the next 1shot lance pandemia?
And it was indeed fixed in a matter of days as it's major exploit.

It's just funny how you contradict yourself:
Zohann wrote:we after some studies discoverred how he did that and sent this report to devs.

Zohann wrote:Strangely, but we knew about this bug, though we never used it, even though we have many people to troll around. That just reveals your attitude.

So which one is it? :) Because for me it's the 2nd given that I was poked "from your side" about it and asked to bring it up.
And it would be spoiling if it was JH or part of a raid, not going solo at prime time knowing there are GMs ON to ban me like 2 minutes after I kill a dagfin )

Em, whats the contradiction? We discovered the bug, reported it and never used it ourselves.

You discovered the bug, reported it and used it to troll.

You think its ok to use bugs to troll people?

Sharana wrote:Idk - the only place I said "Masons" is where I said that Anatolij was on a Discord meeting organised by DAC along with representatives of BP and many other guilds. The result was that everyone agreed not to post videos using the night vision "hack" and that leaders should at least give and example by not using it.
And Anatolij later on posted a video where it can be seen that he uses it.

If that's "every single political thread is started with discussions about masons" you have some strange views and just see your name even if it's not there :)

That actually was not adressed to you, but to the thread owners. If you think that all my posts are adressed to you then you have some strange views and just see your name even if it's not there :)

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Sharana » 31 Jul 2017, 12:51

Zohann wrote:Em, whats the contradiction? We discovered the bug, reported it and never used it ourselves.

So if you discovered it long ago AND reported it the proper way - why didn't the devs know about this bug? Why did they have to learn from me and fix it the next day if you did indeed report it long before that?

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Zohann » 31 Jul 2017, 13:05

Sharana wrote:
Zohann wrote:Em, whats the contradiction? We discovered the bug, reported it and never used it ourselves.

So if you discovered it long ago AND reported it the proper way - why didn't the devs know about this bug? Why did they have to learn from me and fix it the next day if you did indeed report it long before that?

Who said that we discovered it long ago? We learnt about it after youve used it on dagfinns. You say that you have already reported it and proved it, so our report was useless, as the bug was fixed the next day, as you say. I did not say that it was fixed because of us. You are a good boy in that matter, but using this bug to troll people was a dirty thing.

What if I do this to ya, will you be happy? There are lots ways to troll people aside using bugs or exploits, as that is the most dirty one.

We have already experience of such trolls with another BP guild, who lost its castle and decided "to leave the server, but to have some fun before that". They switched on this god mode and started trying to save their castle. The next JH the god mode troll guy was carrying an explosive barrel). He failed though, cause we uncovered how to counter it with poisons.

Dear troll bug users, I repeat, there are lots of ways to troll people aside using bugs and exploits.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Haci » 31 Jul 2017, 16:02

Nojo, to by nebyl Kazar aby se po čase neprobudil a zase nerozvířil debatu o poukazování a házení špíny kolem. Pro normální hráče opravdu užitečné.

Máš dar Kazare

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Pajkazed » 31 Jul 2017, 16:40

Tak pokud ti přijde lepší to, že je toto cz/sk forum naprosto mrtvé tak se nemusíš vůbec vyjadřovat.
Jediný kdo sem občas hodí koment nebo topic je Kazar a jako protistrana se ozve věrný Sainse, nikdo další se tady nevyjadřuje.
Až na "dnešní" vzácnou návštěvu z BP a USH. :D
Po pravdě když se tady začalo komunikovat ohledně cheatů a bugů vzpoměl jsem si na Kejtíka a ty se hned jako jeho tehdejší zastánce ozveš, to mě celkem pobavilo. :ROFL:

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Haci » 31 Jul 2017, 16:43

No a jsme u toho.. :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL: :ROFL:

Hned nějakej Kejtík a rozhejbání vlákna za každou cenu. Proč ježiš...

Nebudu tu ztrácet čas, co sem chtěl napsat to sem napsal. Ty věčný zastánce a ochránce Kazara. ;)

Díky za reakci a ty následující...

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Kazar » 31 Jul 2017, 18:02

Aj keď tu píšu iné národnosti, nechcem písať po Eng. Keď niekto chce si to aj tak preloží.

Zohan prečo si myslíš že všetko čo tu je o Masonoch je shit a klamstvo ? Sharana ti vysvetlil zopár tvojich zavádzajúcich prípevkov. Keď poviem pravdu, tak keď čítam tvoje vyjadrenia, aj za celú guildu, všetko čo hovoria je: "my nič my sme tí dobrí, oni, oni sú tí zlí !" nič viac. Pri každom príspevku si hovorím "trafená hus zagágala". Niekedy my je vážne z toho zle, ako môžete veriť že všetky bugy, vojny, za všetko zlé na MMO svete môže nikto iný ako BP?

Hači, mám zakázané informovať ľud o nových informáciach čo sa dejú na MMO mape ? Aby si prípadne mohli lepšie vybrať, alebo sa aspoň vyhnúť konfliktu ? Pre normálných hráčov nieje užitočné vedieť čo spravil BP, čo spravilo USH, čo spravil DAC, atď ?

Dobre ja poviem niečo zo strany BP, Sainse niečo zo strany USH(aj keď si myslím že to hovorí až moc propagačne a štýlom ukazovania prstom,ale toto zase ja nemusím videiť na svojich príspevkoch...), a nakoniec uštipačná a "užitočná" poznámka od ... Hačiho.

Poznámka na koniec. BP nieje vytvorený na to aby bojoval proti USH.

P.S.: poďme presunúť topic do "Off-Topic". :twisted:

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Haci » 31 Jul 2017, 18:46

Kazar wrote:Aj keď tu píšu iné národnosti, nechcem písať po Eng. Keď niekto chce si to aj tak preloží.

Zohan prečo si myslíš že všetko čo tu je o Masonoch je shit a klamstvo ? Sharana ti vysvetlil zopár tvojich zavádzajúcich prípevkov. Keď poviem pravdu, tak keď čítam tvoje vyjadrenia, aj za celú guildu, všetko čo hovoria je: "my nič my sme tí dobrí, oni, oni sú tí zlí !" nič viac. Pri každom príspevku si hovorím "trafená hus zagágala". Niekedy my je vážne z toho zle, ako môžete veriť že všetky bugy, vojny, za všetko zlé na MMO svete môže nikto iný ako BP?

Hači, mám zakázané informovať ľud o nových informáciach čo sa dejú na MMO mape ? Aby si prípadne mohli lepšie vybrať, alebo sa aspoň vyhnúť konfliktu ? Pre normálných hráčov nieje užitočné vedieť čo spravil BP, čo spravilo USH, čo spravil DAC, atď ?

Dobre ja poviem niečo zo strany BP, Sainse niečo zo strany USH(aj keď si myslím že to hovorí až moc propagačne a štýlom ukazovania prstom,ale toto zase ja nemusím videiť na svojich príspevkoch...), a nakoniec uštipačná a "užitočná" poznámka od ... Hačiho.

Poznámka na koniec. BP nieje vytvorený na to aby bojoval proti USH.

P.S.: poďme presunúť topic do "Off-Topic". :twisted:

Možná kdybys informoval subjektivně a nestraně. Jen klameš a přehráváš všechny na stranu co se tobě hodí. Kazare, nějaký pátek tě už známe, známe tvoje myšlení a tvoje záměry. Nebudu rozebírat dál a vracet se zpátky. Každý ví co ti jde nejlíp.

Nepokračuj dál a nereaguj nesmyslně na mě. Prostě přijmy názor, jestli to dokážeš.

PS: Proč opět schovávat topic do "Off-Topic", když se tu vyjádřily i ti onich si se zmínil? Proč opět něco zametat? Přijde ti to normální, když už něco rozpoutáš?

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Kazar » 31 Jul 2017, 18:54

Ty stále veríš že dokážeš vyhovieť všetkým ? Nie. Ja sa nechcem hrať na nejakého šalamúna. Ja ťa tiež poznám hači a nie len ja. Poznáme tvoje "needitované" záznamy z porád a z našich pokusov sa s vami dohodnúť. Potom kto klame ? Ale to si prečítaj offtopic a zistíš.

Bol si to ty ktorý začal prvý reagovať na mňa.

Nojo, to by nebyl Kazar aby se po čase neprobudil a zase nerozvířil debatu o poukazování a házení špíny kolem. Pro normální hráče opravdu užitečné.

Máš dar Kazare

Neprijmem na seba klamlivú kritiku. S pravdivou nemám problém. Príspevky vyššie.

Ja fórum nezametám. Zametá ho moderátor. Ja som veľmi nerád že ho "zamietol" lebo je tam toľko pravdy na teba s kejtíkom, až sa to novým ľuďom nebude chceiť čítať a neušetrí im to sklamanie.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Haci » 31 Jul 2017, 19:09

Kazar wrote:Ty stále veríš že dokážeš vyhovieť všetkým ? Nie. Ja sa nechcem hrať na nejakého šalamúna. Ja ťa tiež poznám hači a nie len ja. Poznáme tvoje "needitované" záznamy z porád a z našich pokusov sa s vami dohodnúť. Potom kto klame ? Ale to si prečítaj offtopic a zistíš.

Bol si to ty ktorý začal prvý reagovať na mňa.

Nojo, to by nebyl Kazar aby se po čase neprobudil a zase nerozvířil debatu o poukazování a házení špíny kolem. Pro normální hráče opravdu užitečné.

Máš dar Kazare

Neprijmem na seba klamlivú kritiku. S pravdivou nemám problém. Príspevky vyššie.

Ja fórum nezametám. Zametá ho moderátor. Ja som veľmi nerád že ho "zamietol" lebo je tam toľko pravdy na teba s kejtíkom, až sa to novým ľuďom nebude chceiť čítať a neušetrí im to sklamanie.

Kazare, na to aby někdo něco zametl. Tak to se napřed moderátor musí upozornit na nějaké pochybení. Těžko asi bude procházet celé forum, jestli je vše ok tz reportování. No a to že nemáš patrony to svědčí o tom že vytahuješ věc cca 2 roky starou "Kejtík". LoL

Konec konců, každý si tento topic s "Kejtíkem" může přečíst, protože není zameten jako ty vaše, co vy jste zametly.

No a k mojim nahrávkám. Ano, mám záznamy o tvých lžích. Protože už jednou jsem s tebou kdysi dávno měl rozhovor kde si vše následně zapřel. Proto nahrávky, je to nahrávka po tom co byla debata a pokus o sjednocení CZ/SK. Pár dní na to si hovořil s jedním člověkem a zdělil si mu tvůj záměr a plány. Proto najednou všichni otočily. Zamysli se, určitě ti to dojde. A rozhodně zapomen že ji zde budu zveřejnovat, nahrávat do karet ti určitě nebudu, co se týká fora. Nu každý co jí slyšel usoudil podle svého, zda věří či ne. Popravdě mě to nepřekvapilo.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Kazar » 31 Jul 2017, 19:22

Ano, moderátor sa musí upozorniť. Myslíš si že len BIA reportovala topic ? Máš na to pravdivú "nahrávaku" ? Nemáš, takže tak isto mohli reportovať aj "tvoji" ľudia ako aj Sainse alebo ktokoľvek iný.
Ty sa cítiš stále ukrivdený z nejakého dôvodu a prichádzaš nám to tu každého pol roka pripomínať. Že už s týmto fórom naozaj končíš už n-tý krát. Ja som si s nikým nechcel vymieňať názory ani do nikoho svoje patrony strielať. Len ty tu na mňa a moju snahu nejako prispievať do tohto fóra a držať ľudí ako tak aspoň zaujatých, aby tú hru neopustili úplne, odsudzuješ a urážaš.

Už je toho zametania nejako veľa.
1. Moderátor zametá, nie my.
2. Spomeň si ako moderátor zametal na tvojom fóre.

Tá nahrávka je lož sama o sebe keď ju vytvorila a modifikovala "stelesnená čestnosť". Už som si spomenul "needitovaný záznam z porady" sa volal tvoj príspevok o porade. Začína z polky, niektoré hlasy ani neni počuť, otázky je počuť na preskačku... už som ticho, je to v inom fóre už popísané dostatočne.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Pajkazed » 31 Jul 2017, 19:23

Haci wrote: Nebudu tu ztrácet čas, co sem chtěl napsat to sem napsal. ;)

Neříkal jsi, že tady už nebudeš ztrácet čas?Ach, říkal...Hači Hači... :)
Kejtíka nezapomenu nikdy a to nejen já, respektive jeho hrdinské vystupování s gm staty a tvé následné potrestání změněním gm hesla, woah.Tak to si s ním zatočil s prevítem.
Ale to je off, kdybychom se měli držet tématu že aktuální dění na mmo, tak nám toho asi moc nepovíš, tak nebyl jsi náhodou na odchodu? :D
Dělej co umíš. :cry:

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Haci » 31 Jul 2017, 19:37

A hele už se to tu rozjíždí a nabaluje se tu vojsko Kazarovo. Typický, je potřeba podpory přísedicích na TS. :D

Nechal sem se unést pajky ;-) To už tak ale bejvá. ;) Co sem jako s Kejtíkem měl jinýho dělat než mu znepřístupnit GM? Dát ho k soudu? :ROFL:

Kazare, nemá cenu komentovat tvoje doměnky, už né hele. A už vůbec ti nebudu vyvracet co je zřejmé.

Kazíku "Mám tě prostě rád"


Edit: Držte se tématu MMO a vynechte hlouposti viz Kejtík ;) Což Vám jde nejlépe :-)

Ne ne Kazare, je to jiná nahrávka
Last edited by Haci on 31 Jul 2017, 19:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Kazar » 31 Jul 2017, 19:50

Každý píše ako uzná za vhodné.Nikoho nenútime. Ja ľudí skôr krotím.

Zrejmé je jedine to že nikto nový si to neprečíta. Takže akákoľvek moja snaha uviesť ľudí do obrazu na MMO vzíde na vniveč. :(

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Haci » 31 Jul 2017, 19:57

Pokud to budeš přesouvat do "Off-topicu" tak to příjde vniveč, to máš pravdu. To že neuneseš názor jiných a musíš reagovat argumentací že nějaký Kejtík před dvouma lety něco provedl, no za to já nemůžu.

Pak se témata rozjedou jinýma směrama, to dá rozum. Pokud bych psal nepravdu a ty měl čistý štít "čestnost" jak tvrdíš. Tak jen mávneš rukou a jdeš dál. Ale ty? Natáhneš ruku a hned začneš "ale on a tamten, tenhle taky" proč mě špiníš a vůbec sem píšeš. No proč asi...

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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Greatmido » 31 Jul 2017, 19:59


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Re: Aktuálne dianie na MMO mape

Post by Pajkazed » 31 Jul 2017, 20:02

Nic víc, nic míň Hači.Ale to se u kamaráda i když cheatera dělá těžko.
Pak ale nemluv o objektivitě apod řeči.
Každý preferuje svůj klan, gildu, tým...Člověk by se jen neměl unášet, s čímž máš očividně problém.Ale to nejsi sám.
A na závěr ten tvůj edit že držte se tématu mmo, no lol...
S čím si do tohoto tématu přispěl ty? :lol:
Řečnická otázka, nevím jestli jsi stále na odchodu, nebo už jsi odešel, nebo jsi se vrátil...To podle mě nevíš ani ty sám, těžko pak odhadovat. :D

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