23. If I buy bronze and I got LiF:YO on steam I get 2 keys or tickets right.
I can spend them on having more characters or gift 1 of them to 1 friend so they can play Wave 2. (If I understood the earlyer anwers)
When the game goes in final release after the beta. will they own the MMO and be able to join me in my adventures or do they have to pay for the game?
24. I read that the premium currency would give you Consumables. will these be some item that gives you a faster learning curve then other or will it be more of that "Hey I am glowing!" type of funny items?
- Answer: We didnt have time to think about specifics yet. Our current focus is the game features. Stay tuned.
25. "Wipe at the end?: No"
"Map resources shuffle?: No"
Information I got of steam forum. will this mean we save our progress from the Beta wave 2 on characters or will that be reset to a fresh start?
- Answer: Open Beta progress will be moved to Release stage without any changes.