Azzerhoden wrote:The MOTD mod doesn't seem to work on the 64bit beta branch. If I try to invoke the files it says it cannot find them.
Falkine wrote:Would you please give us some tips ? :p
BPDENVERCO wrote:A little lost here, is this out yet, if so. where and how can i install it from.
BPDENVERCO wrote:or are they preloaded servers that you have to rent...thanks
if worldID == 1 {
if worldID == 2 {
MickeyJoke wrote:is there any command line to do this, something like this
switch ($cm_config::worldID)
case 1:
BasilMod::teleport_register("\n\nTeleporting to ElChapos Island!", 10, "989.749 -457.87 1013.22",1 ,"1481.51 -1.70683 1103.11");
case 2:
BasilMod::teleport_register("\n\nTeleporting to ElChapos Island!", 10, "1441.07 890.304 1011.05",1 ,"1481.51 -1.70683 1103.11");
Rjam1969 wrote:Hi, could you please show an example of how to use the switch command for different worldid in lets say for example the teleport mod? I am guessing maybe something like this?
Jakub.jochim wrote:Any news about the other mods like AuctionHouse, Cartographer, BulletinBoard, BountyHunter and Heraldy?
Brehon wrote:This base pack allows you to have basil mod set up.
Brehon wrote:You still need to manually add all the mods you want (ie, do the pack set up, then do MOTD, Announce and etc until you have the mods you desire for your server?
Fferragi wrote:@custodian
Since you're not developing BasilMod anymore, have you ever thought in opening the code so others could contribute to the continuity of the mod?