MMO Interactive FAQ

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Interactive FAQ

Post by wesd » 29 Nov 2012, 05:13

203. As far as crafting armor and weapons go; will each item be able to be crafted out of each type of metal? Or will we need a combination of different metals to create different types of armor?
You'll be able to combine different metals/alloys in your armor and that all will affect armor quality. Some crafting recipes will demand a certain metal/alloy for them.
204. Will the ore that we have mined have to be refined?
You will have to smelt your refined ore in a furnace, bloomery or forge.
205. Can you please elaborate on the metal vein system of mining?
It is simple - you dig your tunnel, and when you see one of newly created tunnel block walls shows metal scraps - that means that you have hit an ore vein. You can use Prospecting skill to determine how close/far are you to a certain type of ore, so you can plan your tunnel digging operations better.

Thanks. np

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Interactive FAQ

Post by Morcahai » 29 Nov 2012, 21:01

206. Could you explain the PvP rules in general?
Like, can anyone be attacked anywhere? Are there safe zones, or other rules to prevent peaceful players getting killed while minding their own business?
I am not much into PvP and I would like to play the game peacefully constructing buildings, tunnels and developing the world. Should I be worried about getting killed/raided alot while not being a warmonger?
tl;dr You should.
Why? Because life is feudal :) But that doesn't mean that killing will occur non stop and there will be no ways to prevent it. Aspects that will lower random PK odds:
1. Alignment - those who kill innocents will recieve a huge alignment hit and negative alignment means a huge loss of skills if he die and longe respawn timer (waaay longer)
2. Safe zone around central NPC city or special buildings in your player city that will provide similar safe zone will provide you much combat advantage incase you got jumped on.
3. As it is usual in such games - joining a strong player driven kingdom will ensure that noone will want to mess with you (or they will mess first then cry about zerg after :) ).
So, as i've said - you should be warried about getting killed/raided, but if you're good - you will be able to lower these odds.

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Interactive FAQ

Post by CRUNCHy » 23 Feb 2013, 18:50

208) Am I dreaming
No idea :)
209) Is this vapor ware?

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Interactive FAQ

Post by larsiam » 24 Feb 2013, 18:33

210) Bobkik you mention about a player with negative aliment will lose skills when he dies? i will most likely be negative all the time this worries be because what if 50 players "Bindcamp" me at my bed? then they can reduce my character back down to nothing? how will you prevent this from happening.
Ask your friends to mop up area around your rez point, do not rez and wait when they will grow tired of camping, do not go that much negative. And do remeber golden UO rule: Reskill is not a harassment - it's a stupidity of a victim ;)

211) Is Skill lose set in stone?
Pretty much yes. But we will provide numerous ways to lower or negate that loss through high aligment, blessings and other ways.

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Interactive FAQ

Post by CRUNCHy » 15 Mar 2013, 15:34

Sorry if this's been answered, but I'm going to have to ask it again. This is a very carebear question from me, and normally wouldn't care about such thing (and I don't care whether the answer is yes or no, but just a question/possible suggestion to add)
212) Will there be tabards/etc, capes, customizable symbols etc? If I conquer someones keep can I place my logo around it etc.. Can I design a logo for myself/clan?
Yes, we plan such functionality, but maybe closer to release or shortly after release.

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Interactive FAQ

Post by Lofi » 14 Apr 2013, 01:11

In many threads I've read a lot people make assumptions about features in standard MMO's will be retained in this game. As I would like to avoid that mistake I seek clarification on a few points, so that I don't argue against their inclusion if this wasn't intended to begin with.

213) Will there be "floaty texts", telling you exactly who people are before you're even introduced?
Not exactly sure what are you talking about, but yes - there will be Name-Surname, Title, Guildname floating above player models with different color markups depending on their political state with you guild or their alignment.

214) Will "Kingdom" taxes/tributes be automated? (Not having it so would require player organisation, interaction and give more than a few occasions for leaders to come down on their sub-ordinates.)
They will be automated, at least we will try to do our best to implement that.

215) Will players be able to "flag" other players?
I'm afraid there will be no personal standings system in close time, but it is certainly a good feature and will be implemented someday later.
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Interactive FAQ

Post by trashman » 14 May 2013, 18:13

216) You have mentioned that upon death, the respawn timer will be longer for someone with low alignment. Can you give me an estimate on how long a person with full alignment and a person with half alignment will take to re pawn?
Respawn times won't change that much or maybe even won't change at all - it is not FPS multiplayer, when every second counts. Negative alignment characters will suffer a greater skill losses and maybe longer ressurection sickness.

217) When it comes to collecting resources you said you will implement a min-game option. Will there be an incentive to collect resources the traditional method(in-game)?
I think you misunderstood minigames conception a bit :)
1. Minigames are designed not only for resource gathering, but for some crafts too
2. Minigames can be skipped by either choosing an autocraft option or pulling a minigame result from your results pool
3. No matter if you are playing a minigame or not - you will collect resources and perform actions in-game, not from some browser or something like that.

218) It was stated that if a realm is established on a particular resource, this resource is off limits to anyone not allied in some sort to the lord of the realm unless another order or realm is at war with this realm. My understanding is that I, a lord of another realm, can declare war on a realm and when war is officially declared after a certain time, I am able to go onto the enemies land and harvest this resource unlimited as long as the war is ongoing?
Yes, ofc, and that is called raiding :) Political/war systems are not in their finals, but we will surely make it so, that declaring a war would be possible only when you have something to put at stake, so your raiding can be punished by returned raiding, or assets destruction or even sieging of your city.

219) During a state of war with another realm I am allowed to attack any part of their claimed land and attack any member of the realm without alignment loss? And can I take control of a city or realm while at war or is that only during a siege?
Yes, you can attack assets and players of another country you are at war with without any alignment penalties. One detail must be taken in a note: there will be a city/castle territory and "suburb" territory. When you place a claming monument it will claim a part of territory around it - that will be city/castle territory. Futher upgrade of that monument will claim more lands around it, but that will be "suburb" territory - city territory will remain as it is.
So, when your country in a state of war - it's "suburb" lands can be easily raided, assets destroyed and so on. But City/castle territory will still be immune to any damage. That invulnerability is removed during siege phases - which is another story ;)

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by PapaStinger » 21 Jul 2013, 21:25

220) Is there going to be a shipwright skill or similar feature constructing ships from the ground up?

221) How many different types of ships are planned for release?

222) Will there be naval combat?

223) Will you be able to move quantities of produce ie rare resources or finished produce in larger ships?

Ships, shipbuilding, naval combat are planned as features of first post release patches/expansions. And yes, everything mentioned above will be possible.

224) Will there be carts or wagons and will you be able to use carts or wagons to move resources about?

Yes. You will be able to use Wheelbarrow, Cart, Trader cart to carry large amount of goods. Also, you will be able to use your back to move different ingame objects (furniture, tree logs etc.) 

225) Will there be a maintenance fee players must pay to keep their claimed land?
Yes. Details will be provided later.

226) How will building structures like houses or keeps work? Will we just build pre-designed buildings or can we (based off of skills) build the foundation, then the walls, then add stories for height and finally the roof?

Right now you can build pre-designed buildings and use pre-designed wall sections/towers/gatehouses to build your own castle perimeter. We plan to implement per wall house construction later.

227) Will there be a fast way to knock down walls or structures on and off claimed land like using a large Maul? (This question is referring to tools or weapons outside of siege weapons ie. "I don't like that wall there I want to knock it down and rebuild it")
Structures off claimed land will decay realtevely fast and will recieve increased damaged, so tearing them down should not be a great problem. For structures on YOUR claimed land - we will make some kind of tool to instadestroy them.

228) Is there a bonus to the amount of damage a player can deliver to items they wish to destroy or remove on claimed land as opposed to off claimed land?
mentioned above

229) Can untamed animals become untamed again?
Yes, after server restart. You'd better place them into barn or stable.

230) If I mine above another mining tunnel or below another mine tunnel, will this form a drop shaft as in Wurmonline?
No No No :) Our terraforming engine is 100% 3-dimensional and you can create almost any combinations of tunnels, big and small rooms and so on.

231) What will determine the amount of crops obtained from farming a single tile?
Quality of soil these crops are growing on

232) Can you build a bridge?
Nope, not after release, but we will surely make it later. Right now we're implementing Pier that can be built per square, but unless we have working ships - those piers are purely decorative and ships won't be able to pass them.

233) Any updates on the type of payment method your looking at using once released given today's more popular options?
To be announced later :) Probably b2p with small vanity shop, but that's not final decision

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Vansar » 12 Aug 2013, 18:43

234. What will happen if someone dig tunnel and cross someone else's tunnel. Will both tunnels merge, or is there some mechanic that prevents that. I'm curious mostly because it would be really easy to make tunnels for opposing army using mining shafts etc.

They will merge. There will be no such things like "my tunnel" or "his tunnel". Tunnel is a tunnel and there will be no limitations on working with them. Another part of story, that entrance to one tunnel maybe on someone's claimed land (private or realm - does not matter) so only owner of that land will be able to enter and leave that tunnel freely ... until "someone dig tunnel and cross someone else's tunnel"
Only surface of land and buildings on it will be protected by divine law of private property rights, everything below - is a domain of the Devil :evil: ;)

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Mortimer » 28 Oct 2013, 06:30

A few questions, because I need further clarification even after I read this topic which is filled with gold.

235. In regards to units/formations - are you allowing different ``classes`` to join all in one formation? An example would be 2 cavalrymen, 3 archers and 2 footmen in one formation, which overall makes no sense because the cavalry is faster and I'd imagine needs to get to top speed before engaging as it will improve the damage done by a lot.

At the other hand, will there be improved bonuses if an unit is pure, as in consists only of one troop?

There are no classes or types of troops in our game. Only characters that wields certain weapons at the present moment and posses a certain skill set. So we are not going to make any artificial limitations, and if players want to have a mixed unit - they're free to do that. But i agree with your opinion, that will make no sense at all.

236. I know you said that the details are to be anounced later about the holdings or otherwise your land, and the game as you said will most probably be b2p. I assume the amount of currency paid for your demesne will be higher the bigger it is. How hard will it be for single player / small group to actually be able to have it's own land in terms of expenses?
b2p have nothing to do with land claims upkeep. Upkeep will be paid with ingame currency/goods and will have nothing to do with real life $$. As about amount of that upkeep - we plan to make it dynamical, depending on amount of non-occupied land that is left in the rest of the world.

The reason I'm asking is if we compare this system to wurm's, there was no real way to be able to pay for your holding other then by buying additional silver from the shop. Which isn't a big problem for me but it might be a problem for some players.

237. How bent are you on Not having lockpicking/thievery in? Because let's face it, being able to lockpick into someone's holding and take his shinies sounds quite epic :Yahoo!: . At the same time it would give locksmiths an actual presence.

The thievery itself could be countered by having an integral ``bank`` of your hold/demesne of limited capacity. Which means your most prized possessions could still be unobtainable but things like resources, tools, weapons, armors - in my opinion - should be free game.
I absolutely agree with you about amount of fun you will get from lockpicking and stealing someone possesions. But on the other hand - that will just force everyone to store their belongings in a safe place and there will be nothing much to pick. Also we would like to reduce to minimum amount of PvP, where one of the sides of that PvP is not online and can not counter you in any way. That statement goes both to lockpicking and to PvA (player vs assests) destruction and so on. We will do our best to avoid that senseless gameplay moments.

238. When it comes to mass pvp and overall conflicts we have 2 modes - the battle and the siege. Is there a way to fight a fight of attrition?

By that I mean that we obviously can't normally terraform on enemy lands, but if in a state of war are we allowed to destroy walls/ buildings, loot pillage and rape the livestock if we chose to?

And I don't mean in any locked battle or siege, I mean literally get my guys, gear up, drag a catapult and destroy the enemy's holding.
You're an offline warrior i see :D ;) But yes, you will be able to do that, but we might bring out some boards discussion about bringing protection time periods, so some guild assets will be protected from offline raids during some period (e.g. at night or early morning)

239. Will you consider having the option to build entire underground cities at the release? It's something I'd be interested in personally.
We don't think we will allow unmovable objects construction underground, but if a maze of different sized rooms with furniture, and some crafting equipment (dwarf fortress style) counts as "undeground city", then you will be able to do it.

240. I understand that the main source of food will be meat and crops, with a possibility of fruits and veggies I'd imagine. Is it possible to have a dish made of mushrooms?

And will we have the possibilty of cultivating mushrooms - the good and the poisonus alike?
There are some cooking recipes with mushrooms :) But sorry, you can only find mushrooms in forests and can't cultivate them yourself yet :)

More questions to come, off to work! :) Have a good day!

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Mortimer » 30 Oct 2013, 06:34

Hey there, a few more questions before I'm off to work:

241. I realize the combat mechanics are ment to be like m&b. In comparison to m&b though, how fast paced do you intend the combat to be?
Maybe a bit slower to give more chances in massive battles and for those with high ping rates

242. Will you feature the possibility of holding onto a swing indefinitely or when you attempt an attack it's instantly going out?
Of course there is already such a "feature" :)

243. Will there be a possibility of feints? (as in attack, block to cancel attack animation and attack again to confuse your opponent)
Yes, but keep in mind, that there is no directional block/parry in our game, so such tactics won't be that fruitful as in M&B

244. How strong will the shields be, and will it be a normal thing for them to break into scrap often, faster of course if the opponent has an axe type weapon ( even faster I'd imagine if it's a 2h )
Yes, shields will be more vulnerable to axe-type of weapons and more resistant to piercing types of attacks (like arrows, bolts or spears)

245. You mention kiting a lot. Being a darkfall vet myself I'm wondering how do you plan on putting that in with a soft and hard stamina cap, since kiting as an archer requires lots of jumping and there is no real way to recover hard stamina during combat it seems.
Try to think outside of Darkfall quake-like combat ;) Kiting is keeping distance from a chasing enemy - it should not involve jumping at all and it will not be possible to jump+shoot. Archers will be interested in wearing lighter armor and less heavy weapons, that would give them speed advantage.

246. Will heavier armor slow players down or just be a much bigger stamina eater?
It will. Weight of all equipped armor pieces + weight of weapons equipped in your quickslots (2 on the back and 2 on the belt) will result in a total equipped weight, which will directly affect your speed.

The reason I'm asking these questions is that well if a character will be slower with heavy armor that leaves only 2 viable scenarios for such a character to be fighting - either defending your holding, where the enemy have to go in (during a siege or a battle) or mounted.

The problem with that would be if such a player is dismounted he's basically dead because he can be kited to death, even easier since his enemies have the movement speed advantage.
And you want that heavy players could win everytime in every situation? ;) Anyway, there will be some "shout" powers that will be available to 2Handed Heavy armored types of troops

Darkfall had encumberance to combat heavy armored men slaughtering everything and anything. But I did like that it did not slow players down, hope it will not do that here aswell.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Mortimer » 30 Oct 2013, 10:43

247. Considering all the info gained up until now including single target hits, no directional swings (=no way to outskill your opponent) no in-combat ways to regenerate, armor affecting movement speed and no lockpicking, thievery - How on earth do you imagine a small group of players let's say 10 can face a bigger group of let's say 20?
that questions are growing into discussion, rather than simple question/answer. I am not against it, but would like to keep it away from that thread. So make a new post in Genereal forums and we can talk about it.
As about your question: there will be directional swings. Dunno what made you think that there will be none :pardon: Also you miss a whole unit and formation system, that will bring more organized unit of 10 ppl atop of disorganized 20 ppl group. Also, there will be some AoE abilities (like Volley on archers, piercing shot on xbows and naphtha grenades to control choke points. Also it is free building and terraforming you know, so those 10 ppl can fortify their positions with pikes placed into ground or maybe even palisade walls. And we will adopt our game rules if we will see that current measures are not enough. BUT before starting a whine on the forums about being outzerged and got nothing to do with that, make sure that your team REALLY had enough teamplay skills and it did everything to use their advantages to compensate disadvantage in numbers. ;)

Because at it stands I'm dissapointed with your zerg or die approach leaving smaller groups to be pushovers for kingdoms.

It does really feel like the m&b like combat you're promoting has next to nothing to do with it and at most it's a marketing move.

If you are plainly faster then your opponent that's not something I'd call kiting. Kiting for me is when two players have the same walking speed but the kiting player manages to stay out of meele range and continually deals ranged damage to his opponent.

I just don't see any metagame in your combat system in place, no flavouring and not much skill required. Add to that no way to combat zergs and that's a wrap really. Seems like this game plainly isn't for me and my dfo vets.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Virdill » 30 Oct 2013, 12:17

I was wondering if there will be a climate system in LiF? Our PG will suffer the cold / hot?

What engine do you use?

Questions was discussed before, please use forum search

With a little of time found the answer :D :
"70) Thought about that. If we have any spare time for that - we will make it. "
Sorry for my bad English

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by T741 » 01 Nov 2013, 04:50

248. I don't understand how tunnel decay is this going to affect you if you are living underground. Will you be burried alive or you will get stuck because the surrounding tunnels will decay?
Decay will occur during server maintenance and if your previous log in point becomes burried - you will respawn at your bind point alive and intact. If it will happen that way, that your position will not be blocked by rock mass, but neighboring tunnels will be destroyed by decay, then you will have to dig out or simply recall home to your bind point.

P.S. Next time you make questions numbering yourself or we will just remove them ;)

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Mortimer » 01 Nov 2013, 09:40

249.There's a recall? What creates a bind spot?
Yes, there will be a prayer that will act much like a recall in other games. Different residential structures (houses) have a certain amount of bind spots, that depend mostly on the size of that house. So building a house and binding to it will create your new respawn/recall point.

250. Will it be possible, with enough sand/dirt to form an island?
Yes, but you can not perform any actions while on float, so you will need to create some kind of foreland and then keep pouring sand at it's end, which will result in an island.

251. What can we expect from ships other then a form of transport?
Naval combat, large bulks of goods transport. But ships are in some of our stretch goals ATM

252. Will you be able to fight in the water? If yes, with what?
No you can't

253. If you build a mine entrance close to the water level and you dig down, what will happen? Will you dig to water and that's it or is it possible to have ''underwater"tunnels?
As soon as you will start floating insde your tunnel you won't be able to do anything, so you won't be able to continue your digging in that direction

254. If yes, what would happen if your enemies would then connect a water source to that?
Huh? There is no fluid dynamics in our game. All water is on the same level all around the world. Neither there is thirst system, so cutting off from water sources won't change anything.

255. Is it possible to pump water out? No.

256. Are there mine doors?
Not yet

257. Can I reinforce cave walls so that a new tunnel can't be ppened there, ultimately changing my cave into an underground stronghold?
Nope, at least not now. But you will have to reinforce your walls with timber, to avoid caveins due to decay.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Virdill » 01 Nov 2013, 09:44

249. Will be technically possible to live in a tunnel? Furnishing it and entering a door at the entrance?You won't be able to place a house there, though you won't have a bind point there and won't be able to recall there directly. But still you will be able to place some small objects, furniture and some crafting devices inside.
Sorry for my bad English

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by En_Dotter » 01 Nov 2013, 13:59

Hello all! I recently made an account here and im quite happy to see this game being developed. Now for my question.
I tried to search the organized FAQ and i couldnt find my answer:
250 )I saw there would be 3 damage types (blunt, pierce, cut), but will one damage type be bound to a single attack or will it be mixed? For example, lets say im swinging a large weapon like great long bardiche. Will it only deal cut damage (it has a cutting edge) or will it deal mix of cut and blunt since its quite heavy weapon? Will morning stars deal portions of blunt and pierce due to their spikes and a large piece of metal ball at the end of it? Will great swords also deal partially blunt and partially cut?
No, we do not have mixed damage types ATM. One directional attack will deal only one type of damage. that means if you will shop with your longaxe - that will result in a slashing damage. And if you gonna thrust with it - then you gonna deal a minor blunt damage.

If this question has already been asked i am sorry for repeating it. I simply couldnt find the same/similar question.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Davidaf » 03 Nov 2013, 11:47

After looking at the whole organized FAQ i couldn't find an answer to this.

251. Since the game is fullloot oriented, and when you die your corpse is there with all your stuff; What happens if you die by a non-player mean, that is, what if a bear kills you? Are you able to respawn and go back to pick your stuff from your old dead body? Can you loot yourself?
Of course you can! Unless some other player will be there first and he won't mind to loose some of his alignment from looting.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Kuroi » 03 Nov 2013, 22:55

252. Since IN and AROUND Starter city you won't be able to pvp, how will you prevent people from fleeing into those "safe zones" when dying?
We can not prevent that and we won't do that. If you want to gank someone - do that really fast or further from the Central City zone.

253. Are you planning any form of thievery or you just don't want it? What about a Lockpicking skill at least for hidden chests and so on?
It was asked many times. In our current situation i'd rather say "No" to such additional and ambiguous functionality.

254. How will Recall work? Tbh I don't like these forms of teleportation especially to get into your house... Sneaking behind someone opening his house's door is still a sandbox element, don't you think? And it may be too easy to save yourself when in trouble.
It won't be easy to save yourself at all, because recall will take some time to cast, will be interrupted with damage and can fail randomly (depending on your "Piety" skill). Sneaking into house will still be possible, if player is living near house and don't want to waste time to make a few steps into his house.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Gerugon » 04 Nov 2013, 17:06

255. Do the bonus Alpha Access Keys on the Kickstarter stack ? If i were to buy the 400€ Perk do i get my key + 5 for friends or do i get the 6keys from 400€ Perk + 4 from the 350€ Perk + 3 from the 300€ Perk and so on.

The Site stated that ALL previous Bonus apply except the housing.
Bonuses from houses and included in alpha access doe not stuck. So in your case for a 400 you will receive 5+1 Alpha keys.
German Let's Player and Mayor of Zwergenbucht:

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Gerugon » 05 Nov 2013, 21:55

256. Will the alphakeys you get to share with your friends in the bigger Perkbundles on the Indiegogopage turn into the full game after release ? Or will my friends only be able to check out the alpha and have to pay again for the beta / final game ?
Yes, these keys are permanent. Alpha access rewards include all following stages access (Beta and release).
I strongly suggest to ask campaign related questions on the campaign page itself. That will allow other campaign visitors to see those answers.
German Let's Player and Mayor of Zwergenbucht:

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Harybo » 06 Nov 2013, 05:18

257. With reference to the quote "And if they feel confident enough to leave safe newbie island and dive into the real medieval life on the main Continent, they will have to pay only once." that was posted on the Indiegogo campaign, will we only have to pay once to be able to access everything in the game?
Yes, only once. That is called B2P model.
258. Will there camels to ride on in the desert areas?
259. Will we be able to make our own factions that own land and have their own flags and colours?
Yes. Not sure when we will be able to implement heraldry tabards and capes, but at least they are planned.
260. Will there be an in-game auction/marketplace similar to the "Grand Exchange" in Runscape and other games where players can put their items up for sale and recieve offers?
Yes. Players will be able to build a trading post, that will act as a access point to the global market, where players will be able to sell and buy stuff. But you will ahve to move goods and gold manually between those posts. Items won't teleport toward you.
261. Will players be able to open stores or businesses where they can earn money from selling items?
No. We plan only trading posts currently. But if you will build your own trading post, will provide it with cheap goods and a safe protection from raiders - that might be you successful business model :)
262. How much land will one person be able to claim?/ What will be done to prevent few people owning all land and to ensure that everyone gets some land for themselves?
Personal claims will be limited (about around 500 sq. meters, but it is not final yet) and there will be only one claim possible. Guild claims will "fight" for territory. It is hard to explain, closest conception is like borders or cultural borders in Civilization series.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Dailato » 08 Nov 2013, 13:45

263. It was mentioned earlier that you didn't have any ideas yet on what the Pope's powers would be, or he would even be out on release. Any changes in this since then?
according to our current situation there will be no Pope in the nearest future.

264. How do you increase your piety? Is it based on following the word of "god" or more that the church likes you?
That is just a name of skill it is not a parameter. We do understand that it might sound wrong, but it is still so. And as other skills, you will be able to increase it by performing that skill's abilities. In case of "Piety" skill it is different prayers and blessings. Like "Prayer of safe home return" (recall) or blessing ability of higher level "Piety" players that will allow to avoid skill loss during battles and so on.

265. Is piety tied in any way to your alignment?
Nope it is not.

266. Does a guild/nation have some kind of combined piety based on it's members/leaders? Perhaps in a way that effects relations with the church/pope?
Nope, not in a current state of development.

267. How limited/unlimited will the "modular" part of building be? E.G. can I make a massive building with lots of rooms for all my guildies by combining alot of modules?
Right now there are only fences and fortifications that are modular. Simple houses and buildings are premodelled. We had fully modular building system in our stretch goals, but seems there will be no in nearest future.

268. On a related note, can you add multiple stories to a building using modular housing? And once more, how limited is this? (Only based on materials used or is there some other limit as well?)
Please, read previous answer.

269. What are the benefits to owning a house? There is storage but just how safe is it? Do you gain any benefits from having a bed in your house? (and/or logging of inside your house)
It provides you with a certain amount of slots, that can be used to place beds there. Each bed in its turn provide with one binding slot, so you and your friends and guildmates can bind to that house and recall there or respawn there if they die. Houses can also be furnished with chests, wardrobes etc. to act as storage.

270. How specific can you set allowances to property? Could you potentially rent out your house? Could you make a giant house with lots of rooms and rent out "appartments"?
No giant houses as stated in previous answers. There is no plan to make any game mechanics that will allow you to give your house for rent.

271. Do guilds get any benefits besides their land-claims being bigger and not auto-negated by other guilds/nations? Will there be a global guild-chat?
Larger guild claims means a lot more of room for their members to place their own personal claims that will be protected by that guild. I think we can arrange a global guild chat.

272. Is there a global chat in general? E.G. a "trade" chat or the like?
Will be.

273. If yes, do you have any plans on how to prevent it becoming the next Barrens chat? (e.g. so full of trolls and nonsense that it can't even be read, let alone used for it's intended purpose)
Nope, no plans. Might just implement timeout between messages.

274. Guild emblems/heraldry can be added to shields and such. If I remember correctly there is even a skill for this. Will you have to make the emblem in-game, or can you upload your own, custom imagery?
Heraldry was planned, but now it seems we will have to push it further away. But anyway, we will not allow to upload random pictures as heraldry - we will just do our best to present a good and complex heraldry generator.

275. Are certain things (like construction projects) only possible by a guild, or can you (asuming you had the resources for it) do everything you can do/build by yourself?
You can do anything by yourself, if you have resources and time.

276. There was mention of "Natural hiding" only somewhere, no stealth or such. However, with the UI telling everyone where/who you are from miles away (floating text and/or hp bars above that bush), will stealth even be possible? Will there be a stealth skill to hide these UI elements from being seen by other people?
"However, with the UI telling everyone where/who you are from miles away (floating text and/or hp bars above that bush), will stealth even be possible?" I don't know where you've taken that from. To see other players stats and name and title and so on, you will have to target him. If you don't - you will see only his model, unless it is covered by bush, terrain slopes or other obstacles. There will be no such artificial stealth skills.

277. I also read you could climb trees. Does this mean if you have a higher climb skill than who you are attacking (with bow and arrow for example) and they don't have a ranged weapon, you are essentially immortal? Can you even shoot from within a tree? Can the tree be cut down with you in it? How will this interact with bears/wolves trying to kill you?
Climbing will be quite slow and will be interrupted by any damage. So using that as an escape route won't help much. And if you've prepared before hand - your victim can just run away and you will be forced to get down to chase him. But we will probably do not implement climbing until later stages of development.

278. Speaking of bears/wolves, you mentioned you can tame "most" animals, but they will be converted to domestic animals. Does this mean you can't tame bear/wolf? And you can't have a dog or such?
Nope, you can not tame wolf, bear, deer. The rest of wild animals will be converted into domesticated ones. Right now we won't have pets in their classic meaning (like dog that will follow you and attack your targets)

279. You also mention stabling animals before daily server restart. Does this go for horses as well? e.g. I logged off with my horse somewhere on a long journey, but now I log back in my horse ran away?
Yes. Stable or pack it before server restart.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Dailato » 08 Nov 2013, 16:43

280. When you say "pack your horse" what do you mean? Stuff it in your backpack?
Yes. It does not sound realistic enough, but that is a good feature and was used in many previous MMOs

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Kuroi » 08 Nov 2013, 17:34

281. So we'll be able to get a "miniature" of our horse to put in the backpack? Like in Darkfall? Isn't it a bit surreal for a realistic medieval world? Can't we just logout while on it when server restarts?
It is not only about log out, but about dismounting in general and saving your horse with you to mount later. UO and DF used that system and many other games too, we don't see anything bad in it. It is quite easy for players.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Kuroi » 08 Nov 2013, 20:36

282. (related to 281) Do you have to use something to "shrink" your mount?
DF just had a mechanic about it, on UO you needed a shrink potion made with alchemy, even tho it sounds really unrealistic and not in line with LiF concenpt it would be ok if you need a potion to do that.
You're right that many games used that mechanics but we're talking about a realistic setting here, MO in example doesn't let you shrink your mount and it's one of the things that people like.
As i have stated earlyer - our setting is realistic, but not 100%. If it will be comfortable for players to use fast pack/unpack - why not implement it? House recalls, alchemy potions and so on will be possible. We do not try to pursue 100% realism, because it is not possible in a game where you can respawn :) And no, there will be no permadeath ;)

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Arrakis » 10 Nov 2013, 18:57

283. I do not know if that topic was moved, but will there be implemented something like bonfire? Just normal bonfire to make out of wood? And if yes, will have any use for like cooking food or something? Or just for decoration?
Yes, campfire. And yes, it can be used as a source of light and as a source of heat for cooking.
284. Will there be sources of light? Like torches etc? And if yes then will there be a way to stick there torches somewhere, like on the walls or fence and not only carry them around? And will they burn out naturally? It would be nice if they had some lifespan.
There will be torches, but you can't stick them. Only to hold in your hands. But there also will be bonfires, floor lamps and lamp posts that you can build and place freely inside your camp.

285. This one was asked about, but did you make your mind about making usable chairs? It would be nice to just sit with people in the house or tavern and talk.
Of course it would be nice, but no.

286. Are there going to be sitting animations and some emotes? Like laughing, clapping hands etc like in other mmo's?
Only functional ones. Like resting, taunts and different show offs with your weapon.

287. Will furniture elements like beds, wardrobes etc be movable? Or will player be forced to remove them and place them again?
Yes, they are movable.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Strafer » 11 Nov 2013, 10:13

To see other players stats and name and title and so on, you will have to target him. If you don't - you will see only his model, unless it is covered by bush, terrain slopes or other obstacles.
288. Does client have info about covered players?

289. Does game have limitation of view range in point of other players? In other words, if other player isn't covered by anything - client knows about him?
Yes. I see where are you going. But that is not a FPS shooter, neither it is WoT. With all of our terraforming, free building and AI that should not stuck in dynamically shaping world we can not afford to check LoS (Line of sight) on servers. Even most of FPS games does not do that.

290. More common question on that subject, by your leave: how client tiny or fatty is?
I'm worry about cheaters.
if i got you right, we can call it more tiny. Our server is authoritative and check mostly everything that he can check, so there should be no teleportations, speedhacks or instantly performed abilities etc. As about client side cheats, like transparent textures, oversized models, highlights and such - we will just detect them and that is another reason why we had gone for b2p model. Cheaters should think twice is it worth to risk his payment just to see someone behind the wall. Considering that we do not bet on some "stealthiness" like some players dream about, like hiding in bushes and in grass, those measures should be enough.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Arrakis » 13 Nov 2013, 16:15

291.Will you implement recycling for materials like iron, other metals, wood etc? I mean picking up broken items like swords, spears etc and recreating new items from their parts by smelting metal back to ingots and making new tools from it.
Yes, recycle of metal containing tools, weapons and armors is already implemented.

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Re: Interactive FAQ

Post by Arrakis » 17 Nov 2013, 23:44

292.Will there be some balance between archers and heavy armored melee units? I mean, will for example swordsman equipped with heaviest plate armor be impervious to arrows? Because logically it should work that way. Will combat mechanics will be build in the way to discourage overpowered hybrids of archers mixed with heavy armored melee?

If PvP system must succeed, there need to be good balance for all these combat skills to avoid hybrid creation, otherwise there wont be pure archers or pure melee.

There should be some specializations each for other type of enemy to balance the gameplay and force people to take different specialization to have a chance against opposing army.
Firstly, even heavy armored knight and archer is vulnerable to cavalry and can be outfenced by shield + 1hander. Other then that, 2H melee have 5th tier skill called "Battle cries" that will affect enemies at range and make them stumble while running or tremble while aiming (Fear). We have combat system balance designed and precalculated and it is wider then just archer vs melee or melee vs archer. But it is too early to talk about it, unless we see how it works out.

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