So I have a couple questions that I'm not sure were already answered.
578. Will there be moats implemented into the game? And if they are, will they be able to stop tunneling by either drowning those who tunnel directly into it or tunnel underneath it and having a mine collapse?
You can already dig it. If you want to have it filled with water - you need to dig them on the sea level.579. It was mentioned earlier that when a player starts a new character, they get a block of land or can claim a block of land that nobody else can mess with. I think somebody said it was 100x100, but I could be wrong. My question is for one, is that true? Also, if this is true, will warring clans essentially be unable to attack a player inside their castle since they cannot affect it inside this area?
I suggest you to read more about our claims system on our wiki ( Will players have the ability to customize their shields/banners/clothes with their own designs? I.E. if I had a pattern I wanted to put on my clothes, would I be able to do that, or am I stuck with what we are given?
We plan some advance heraldry generator with ability to apply those on your tabbard and maybe some guild flags and monument.581. Will there be environmental factors in player health/stamina, such as players wearing heavy armor in desert areas lose stamina far more quickly than those wearing padded armor?
We are thinking about it. I hope that there will be something like that.582. Will there be events hosted by the developers in the MMO, such as hunts, quests, large-scale PvP sessions, etc?
Most probably yes.583. The MMO is planned to be 21x21 km, and it is suggested that it could go larger than this. If it does go larger, will it be pregenerated beyond the outer limits of 21x21? Also, will there be islands and other continents, or will it be one large continent?
It will be pregenerated and yes, it will be islands and continents.584. When can players expect to see what siege weapons will be implemented into the MMO?
Closer to release stage of MMOI know that you guys have a lot on your plate already, and I don't expect answers anytime soon, but if you do get around to this, I would greatly appreciate anything you can say. Thank you for all you're doing for us!